Chapter 26

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" well I obviously didn't know!" I frown

" how can you not stalk your ex! Omg. You are a different species." well, I am not what she thinks I am..

I immediately call Kelly and tell her I met Chloe from high school she yells " who?" I look at Chloe and say awwardly

" Chloe.. The- Revan... You know--"

" THE RAVEN'S-NERD-BECK-AND-CALL?? " she yells so hard that Chloe heard her and chuckled. I get up from my seat and excuse myself for a little space. I tell her about Jason and she hangs up the call and rushes over.

" so is that what you guys thought about me back then? " Chloe laughs

" ehe.. Honestly. Yeah" I am embarrassed

" it's okay. Basically everybody must've thought of me that way. Ugh she was so evil.. She traumatized me. I was so embarrassing." she shares her True feeling about Raven. I console her until Kelly comes in and we trio spend some time together.

" hey! Why don't you guys hold a house warming and call all your friends? " Chloe suggests

" urm... We don't have any friends here. " Kelly inconveniently

" oh I can call mine. You can't live with two friends only. You need some to help and support from back. I'll bring good, loyal one's " she smiles proudly

" and yeah! You must call your apartment-mates too " she adds.

I and Kelly look at each other.


We reach back home.

" why did she bring that up?" I whine because now we have to consider her request at all costs. And I don't want to face Jason AT ALL.

" yeahh Maan!" Kelly falls herself on sofa.

" now we have to prepare so much. You do the orders, Kelly" I say tiredly.

" no you do it bruh!" Kelly mutters angrily

" YOU DO IT" I protest.

" YOU do it because I paid the rent for this month." Kelly proudly says thinking she escaped from the work.

" c'mon! Seeeriouuslyy" I wail

" then you're cleaning the mess after party" I make a better deal. And begin to go to my room.

" whaaaaat nooo Allison, my babe, I'll do all the food Ordering plea--" she whimpers but I close the door.

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