Chapter 16

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      Josan's brother, Lorenzo cessano. Who was in itlay, comes home after hearing the tragic news about his little brother. He is a top 10 mafia lawyer. (If you didnt know: Italy has many mafia and their lawyers and they only stop when they get what they want. Lorenzo is the lawyer of klaus mikaelson, the mafia boss.)

You wanna see him? ;) okey there you go. >>


       I tried to get to the hospital as fast as I could. I checked and acknowledged what happened and didn't waste a single second, got to the police and told them that I would handle the case myself. I know both Italian law and Virginian law. Then I proceeded to go home and meet my parents. They were in moarn but I consoled them that he is just in coma and I am here to solve the Situation.

         Jason told me about raven and her little threats.
         " you should have taken action sooner! You are so DUMB to wait till all this happened!" I yelled at him but then I realized he is still a 16 year old. Ugh. "forget about it. Do you have any evidences towards that girl? And I want to meet with your lovely girlfriend." I said with a smirk "she is NOT my girlfriend." he said annoyingly with a slight glare "whatever. Get her at the nearest café. Quick." I ordered and he obeyed.

          The girl told me that raven had a slave named kloè, who used to follow her everywhere. I questioned kloè and I got to know that she threatened her life too and she also sometimes assaults her, when she doesn't obey what raven said. This is enough for me to arrest her on accusations. I took Jason's girl and the victim of raven to the police station. And got raven arrested in minutes.

       I turned towards Jason's girl and said " Elison... If that's your name..?"

She replied " it's Allison, Mr. Lawyer. " annoyingly.
" yeah. That's what I said. Elisón." 
" No its Allison!"
" am I not saying it correctly?" I said chuckling.
" no sir that's not my name! Spell alli- "  "okay whatever. Your name is not crucial  right now." she rolled her eyes as I cut her off. Hm (smirk) atleast she is pretty.


         Ugh he is soo bothersome! AND MEAN! Is my name that hard to pronounce?? Ugh. But I can't believe that he got raven arrested in less than an hour! But we still have the main killer out there roaming. He sent some detectives to search for the weapon for around 20-30 kilometers away from the crime spot. Which could take a day or two according to Mr. Lawyer. Until then Mr. Cessano gave security to kloè so she stays safe. When he was speaking with the detectives about the weapon hunt, raven's father (the CEO) and his lawyers met us at the same police station. He approached me and glared at me constantly until Mr. Lorenzo interrupted
   "oh look who it is! The criminal's father, who is standing here in pride even after his own daughter has been jailed."  he said that getting close to him and in the clamlest way to which raven's father just rolled his eyes and looked away. 
" I am not ashamed because my daughter did nothing wrong. If that weak girl did not want to be with her. She could've just distanced herself from my daughter." he said without giving an expression at all! Cruel.. Just like father like daughter.
" do you know how you can tell if someone is evil? It's when they stop felling ashamed. How can you be so proud after your daughter destroyed some kid's life? And you know what I am talking about here! Deep down you know that you destroyed your daughter's life too. Why don't you quit being a CEO and start anew as an actor?"
" oh why would I? when I have alll the great power in my hands that I can even smash your career- "
" bet you can't because I don't live in Virginia, uncle. I am from Italy. And I have much more power than you. So you better shut your time-wasting-little-threatens. And think about your daughter. " he offended him in the worst way. Heh!
" get my daughter bailed right now officer! " he got furious on the insults and snapped on the officer.
" oh uncle. Unfortunately he can't until 48 hours. Come later. "
Raven's father couldn't endure the insults and left the police station ordering his lawyers something we don't know... Wow he really made him shut his disgusting mouth!


       Everyone tries so hard to collect evidence against raven's brother. But nothing comes in their hands......

Let's see what the lawyer does at the court... <3

Ummm.... Did you enjoy the little fight between them...? Do you like the new character... Or its a no...? Please let me knoww I'm confused! And vote if liked it! Hehe

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