Chapter 5

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    While she was saying her (Kelly) story all of them stopped eating and listened to her instead. Lol. After she announced everything, all the friends started to pull Kelly's chain (teased). But then...... Sabrina and Aelina started talking about how they feel about Noah and Lucan.


    Sabrina started telling us about Noah that she thinks he is kinda hot and spicy at the first sight. As she was a black and her beauty was indescribable. She was such an aesthetical girl. And her standards in a man was exactly that (hot and spicy).

    And Aelina told us about Lucan. That the first time when she saw him was at the party.. They both kinda mingled with each other, they both were like the female and male versions of each other. Which made things between them kinda goood.
    My reaction to the whole revelation was just--- a bolt out of the blue. Everyone's statement hit me like a thunderbolt. I said
    "woah. Soo... I am the only one who's love life isn't moving an inch?! Oh my!!" with my eyes widened.
[little does she knows what is going to happen tomorrow ;) ]
    " basically yeah... Maybe you should make a move, on Jason." Aelina said and everyone agreed with her.
    "ehe." I tittered and said "I'll wait a little more longer... Maybe there is something more special for me."
I said kinda confidently.
    "playing hard to get huh?" sabrina said and winked in a seductive way (?) lol.
  So they basically talked about them and then attended their classes and went back home,chattering.


    I and the boys didn't feel like taking the chemistry class, so we went to the library instead. While we were sitting there, Lucan made a frowned expression and said that he wanted to affirm somethin' about a girl named Aelina. (but we never spoke about a girl. EVER. So I thought it was important.) He expressed his feelings towards her.
    And then Noah and Aaron jumped in and proclaimed everything what and how they feel towards the girls.. While they were evincing it.. Alll I could think about was Allison, Allison, I don't know this weird feeling and my heart started beating so fast. Whenever I actually thought about her. It always happened. 'what is happening to me?' I questioned myself.
     Everyone was done confessing and it was my turn so I took a deep breath and  started revealing my every feeling towards her. When I said "I sincerely like her." and literally felt so nervous and relieved that I actually said that out loud.
    They all started ooing, all together it was so loud.. They didn't realize themselves that we are in a library. Then the librarian came and kicked us out because that wasn't the first time.. She gave us many warnings.
     Then we went back to the class, Allison looked at me so I gave her a huge smile, she smiled back shyly 'oh god! She's so cute!! Wait-- am I going insane? Why the heck am I talking to myself??'
      I didn't realize that I was just standing there thinking all this until Aaron came, hit me hard that brought me back to my consciousness. "God I am really going insane." I mumbled.
     "huh? What'd you say bruh?" Aaron asked me. I just blinked and said "nah. Nothing. Let's go sit in our places" and got seated.

   I just can't help my thoughts what the hellll!!

Teaser: raven enters as a main character from the next chap.


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