chapter 12

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         " I think I am falling in love with you Allison" He said. And-----I-I COULDN'T BELIVE THIS!! I wanted to accept it more than anything in this world but-- I don't think I can... because there is still danger around me... my eyes started tearing I couldn't handle that the love of my life is literally here in front of me.. Confessing his love and I can't even accept him for his own protecti- " Hello? are you listeningg? are you that happy that your eyes are tearing up?" he said and smiled. He smiled that seems to radiate happiness... And I--was going to make it disappear in a few seconds... " Jason..." i said with a cracking voice. " I--- can't do it..... I can't accept this. " My eyes bursted with tears. I sobbed between every word.. I couldn't bear to end my own first love in this way. His eyes were red and it looked like he was going to cry but he looked down and bit his lips to stop himself from crying he was trying to hold his cry. 


        It felt like my heart was tearing apart! I was holding myself from tearing up in front of her. " Is it because of raven and her threats?" I asked her calmly as much as possible. She started crying even more while burying her head in her chest. (means putting her head down that it's burying in her chest)  I moved closer and  put my finger on her chin to lift her head. I made her look into my eyes and said " Tell me. Is it that bitch again?! " I clenched my jaw. She replied with bobbing her head. She sobbed and said " I can't risk everyone I love in my life for just love, Jason."    

         " is it a "JUST LOVE" for you?? *SIGH* I can't believe you said that Allison! Nothing has ever hurt me more than your words. I love you with my whole heart and you-- "  I couldn't finish when she exclaimed " -I loved you too, Jason. " I frowned " But now that me and my loved one's lives are in threat because of you and our love! I can't bear to loose anyone I cherish for just love." she said stopping her tears and was more serious. " WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING IT'S JUST LOVE?? Do you not feel loved by me?!" I said furiously which made her flinch a little. " It's n-" she couldn't finish when her phone started vibrating continuously which was annoying. She tried to reach the phone but I said" Is that call important to you than the current situation??" she said " it's Kelly. It could be important. I have to pick up." and picked the phone call.      


          I said that it is just love to hurt him actually.. I wanted him to hate me so he can forget about me soon. I swallowed my tears and tried to speak normally like nothing happened. 

         "Hey Kelly! what's up?"

" HEY! Where are you? You didn't reply to any of my texts all day!" She said so I looked at the screen. There were 14 messages and 5 calls from Kelly. 

" Oh! I was kinda busy rn. But is it something important? There are so many messages from you."

" Um actually... Mike was here. Haha he says he really wants to meet you and he misses you to death! come back from where ever you are. He has been waiting since an hour now. OH--"  

" Hey sissooo! It's Mikee! Can you come backk I really miss youu!! " I couldn't resist his cuteness. I looked at Jason, he made an eye contact but I broke it and said " Okay mike! I'll be there but maybe it'll take time.. Wait for me at Kelly's house."   

"ALRIGHT! I am waiting!" He said and cut the call. I said to Jason " We should go.. It's getting late. Mike says he is waiting for me." He gave me a hostile glare and got up towards the car aggressively. We sat in the car with an awkward silence. I still couldn't hold my tears.. I was still crying and thinking about everything. I was sobbing every five minute. I am going to regret it for sure but this all I can do to keep my people safe from a serial killler's sister and someone who killed her own step brother!    

         We reached home, Kelly, Aaron and Mike were there too waiting for me. As soon as I entered the hall way Mike hugged me and I hugged back cuz I needed that soo much rn. Jason announced " I am tired. I am going home." and left and Aaron followed him out. All of us sat on the sofa in the hall. Mike said he wanted to take a home tour because last time he came, he was stunned by my library. So I agreed and showed him the whole house including the art gallary of mine. It was filled with all my old and new paintings. Mike was casually talking " We have a really huge house too but your house is quite diff--*gasp* AN ART GALLARY!? WOW I LOVE ARTT AND PAINTINGG!" he said And looked at me. His eyes were wide open in wander. His precious expression made me giggle slightly and now I was feeling quite good but I still wanted to cry my heart out. My face got pale and Kelly noticed it but didn't say anything as Mike was there. Mike started looking at the paintings closely. He seemed to have fun. After a while wandering in my house, Mike said he was hungry and wanted brownies. So I thought about making it myself to make him happy as I hung him up for almost two hours. But when I searched for the ingredients.. I couldn't find all of them (we don't make any dessert as i don't like it) Mike asked if we can walk to the store and bring them instead of sending the maids to bring the required ingredients... 


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