chapter 10

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(Kelly hears a sound from the nearest window, that wakes her up from her sleep. When she opens her eyes, she finds herself on Aaron's shoulder. His hand was around her neck and her hand was sweating so she looked down and saw that Aaron was holding her hand! her smile flickers across her face like a hologram but suddenly she gets a weird feeling that someone is watching them. she released herself from Aaron's arms and checks around in hope to find whoever made that sound earlier. It was around 2 or 3am in the morning. she checks all the windows present in Allison's house alone. after checking all the windows, she went towards the front door which led to outside. she was looking around and then all of a sudden ----!)


I flinched at something that touched my bare feet! I closed my eyes real tight! A while later, it didn't move so I opened my eyes to look down. I saw a card, which might have slide through the space under the door. I picked it up and it wa like an envelope. It said " To Allison". I thought about opening it but i was so scared so i ran to wake everyone up. They all came out being all tired but this was important!


Kelly woke us all up in a hurry. it looked serious. She was never like this at a sleepover. I and Jason went to the living room where everyone was at. She gave me the envelope and I opened it. Jason saw my shivering hands and kept his hand on my shoulder to calm me down and as a gesture to show that he is here to protect me. So I opened it. There was something written in it.

" Having fun with my man huh? Well anyways, don't you have a brother living in virginia who's address is [xx -xx -xxxx] ? I told you there are consequences, Darling. Didn't I? "

My eyes widened at this threatening statement! IT WAS RAVEN! and ran towards my room to grab my phone so I could call my brother, Jace. HE PICKED UP! " Hey you rude brat! You finally me but it's literally 3 am in the mor---" I didn't let him finish and yelled " HEY! ARE YOU OKAY? WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU IN TROULE?! " with panic in my voice.

" um.... No but what's going on kiddo? are you okay??" He asked me. He was worried. I released a reliving sigh and said

" OH! um.... No-nothing! Everything is great! I was just worried. Oh no look at the time! You should sleep! BYE!"

" ARE YOU KIDDIN ME??Tell me what happe-"

" I'll call you later!" and cut his call because I was frustrated enough. I looked at everyone, they all had the worried expression on their faces so I said

" No need to worry guys! it must have been some sort of a fake threat!" while faking a smile.

"No! I don't think it's a fake threat! look again in the envelope. There is another card in it!"

Kelly said, she was right. This was written in it "HAHAHA! I got you scared! If you are scared before I even did anything... you should imagine your state when I actually DO IT! So do what I said. Stay. Away."

I put my hands on my head in exhaustion and sat on the couch. Then Kelly said " I always felt like someone was watching us since the day raven left the cafeteria aggressively. Maybe she put someone behind us to look what we are doing!"

It actually made sense. She walked to her bag, took out her laptop, opened it and started doing something.

I asked "what are you doing?" she didn't respond

" look. Whatever you are doing, let's do it tomorrow. We need sleep to handle all this." I said so they don't worry about it.

" SLEEP? I know you wont sleep in a situation like this. so I am doing a background check, again but more deeply now." she said without taking her eyes off the screen. she had great computer skills and also coding and all. she even took some 2 years sessions to learn all this when she was 13 year old.

Noah asked " urm... legally? or illegally?" she responded " ofc illegally.. or we won't get enough information if you do it legally." she said again without moving her eyes even an inch off of the screen.

" bruh!...your girl is so cool huh!" said Lucan to Aaron and chuckled. Jason hit them to say that this is serious. They stopped it right away and felt guilty.

" Sit down, it's gonna take a while." She ordered us in a hasty tone. So we all sat wherever we got spot to sit. I was so frustrated and didn't know what to do... After a couple minutes, Kelly gasped really loud that made us all stand up and look at the screen of her laptop. She said in a fear-some voice " OH. MY. GOD! I- I CANT BELIEVE THIS---"

To be continued.

was it even a little frightening? I don't thinkk soo! 👀 I hope it was interesting for you!

shivers down my spineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora