Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

        It had been a month since my brother Xander had joined Team Prime. it had been fun getting to know my brother and spending so much time with him. But one thing really got on my nerves. Xander and Optimus had actually become close and both found it entertaining to mess with me about it just like today.

"Seriously you guys?!" i whined as i put my hands on my hips glaring at the two of them. 

      Xander and Optimus snickered slightly as they loked at me. i was soaking wet from the large water balloon that had been dropped on my head. Apparently that had been the plan when the two took me out to hang at the park.

"You should of seen your face!" Xander said as he chuckled. 

        I snarled slightly, " how about this one!" i pointed at my angry face before i lunged for my  brother. He took off running as i chased him the Prime watching in amusement.  He waited till Xander ran past him that he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug as i ran past him.

"Let me go Optimus" i struggled trying to get to my brother who was blwoing raspberries at me. 

"Cant do that Kairi" he chuckled before he turned my face to him and kissed me softly. 

        I felt myself melt into the kiss as i relaxed and wrapped my arms around his neck. i heard Xander making gagging sounds and i just pointed at him with my finger as i continued to kiss Optimus. I broke it after a few minutes and smiled, " you suck" i said softly. 

"Yea but you like it" he teased me earning him a smack on the arm.  Xander smiled at us and whistled as he wandered off to give us some privacy. I smiled softly at Optimus before i ran my fingers through his hair smiling more when he closed his eyes and leaned into my touch. 

"Your awful relaxed today" i said softly. 

        Optimus smiled softly, "today is a special day" he said opening his eyes slightly to look at her. I arched a brow, " it is?" i asked curiously. Optimus chuckled, " yes it is. and i am surprised you of all people dont remember it" he teased poking my nose. I wiggled my nose slightly and giggled a bit, " give me a hint?" i asked. Optumus chuckled and shook his head, " nope".  I made a pouty face and looked up at him, " pllllllllleeeeeeeaaaaasssseeee?" i pleaded giving him the cutest face i could muster up. Optimus chuckled and shook his head, " sorry Kairi but it is a surprise" he said.

        Later on as Optimus drove towards our destination i groaned as Xander snored in the back of his cab. Optimus chuckled. "You really shouldn't pout so much. You can't get everything you want from me.". I made a face at him, "yes huh" i said my tone still a bit pouty, "but thats not it, Xander snores so loud" i said covering my ears slightly. Optimus chuckled. "He is your brother, and you do snore too." He pointed out risking it. I blushed and puffed my cheeks out, " i do NOT snore. thats you" i said crossing my arms. Optimus arched a brow. "Since when?". I shrugged, "since you actually relaxed. now when you snore your whole engine revvs slightly" i teased with a smirk. 

        Optimus huffed and drew his chin up. It was an impish little expression and it made him suddenly seem much more juvenile - and it did not match his usual demeanor. I smirked, "are you pouting?" i teased as i watched him. Optimus huffed and his exhaust pipes mimicked him. "I hardly think so. I don't not pout; I am a Prime." But his eyes were twinkling with teasing. I smirked, "yea a Prime example of a pouting boyfriend" i teased back.Optimus smirked. "Wow. Nice pun " he said sarcastically. I giggled and bowed, " why thank you". Optimus chuckled and reached over and held my hand. I smiled and took his hand looking at it slightly as i traced the lines in his palm.Optimus smiled softly. "That feels nice." I smiled, "oh really? What about this?" I asked as i scratched my nails around his palm playfully. Optimus chuckled and yanked his hand back.

        I giggled at him and smiled as i sat back in the seat. Optimus smirked and suddenly leane dover with a swift motion and began to tickle me. I squeaked and laughed squirming away from his touch to the far side of the seat. Optimus laughed and reached after me. "No you don't, get back here!". I giggled and pressed my back to his door and shook my head with a grin before placed my palms to his door and sent some energy through him. Optimus yelped and his holoform vanished from the feet up as he chuckled. I giggled at him and stopped. Optimus chuckled. "Now that was not fair.". I giggled, " was to" i teased him. He smirked and his seat belt poked her side teasingly. I squeaked and glared at him playfully. "your playing a dangerous game Prime" i teased him. Optimus laughed. "Hey, i have to pay attention. Tickle me too much, and Ratchet will have your head for making me end up in a ditch.". I giggled, "you say that like Ratchet scares me" i said smiling. Optimus arched a brow. "He doesn't?". I shook my head, " not one bit. i do think i scare him somewhat though" i said winking at him. Optimus chuckled. "Good. He's scary.". I giggled, " are you saying he scares you?" i teased. Optimus snorted. "I am saying NOTHING of the sort!". 

        I looked at him a moment before i burst into giggles. Optimus said nothing, huffing. I looked over at him and bit back a smile, " are you pouting again?". Optimus groaned. "I do not pout!". I looked at him a moment and got out of the chair. i walked up behind his seat and reached around and smushed his cheeks slightly, " i do not pout" i said in a deeper voice making fun of him slightly. Optimus growled and swatted my hands away. I bit my lip and did it again. Optimus smirked and reached around, and grabbed me and tickled my sides and stomach. I squealed and laughed squirming. Optimus smiled and kept tickling me, depositing her in his lap. I laughed and squirmed trying to grab his hands as best i could, "Stahahahahahaop!". Optimus smirked. "What's the magic word?" he sang teasingly. I laughed, "plehehehehehehehease!!". Optimus chuckled and stopped, holding me to his frame. I panted and giggled softly resting against his chest. I looked up at him slightly with a small smile. Optimus smiled and held me close with his powerful arms. I smiled softly at him and snuggled to his chest. i was silent a few moments before i spoke, "so......whats so special about today again?" i asked casually. Optimus chuckled. "Nice try." He said simply, kissing my forehead. I giggled, "darn it" i said before i grinned and rubbed my hand along his chest while i listened to his spark. 

        Optimus froze. He watched me carefully, smiling softly as it sang softly in his chest. I smiled softly and scratched my nails across his spark. Optimus shuddered and groaned as it rumbled possessively. I smiled softly, "easy" i teased him softly. Optimus blinked and looked at me. "Easy?". I giggled and looked up at him, "dont get to excited" i teased him playfully.Optimus chuckled and Nuzzled hmesoftly. "Too late.". I blushed and giggled at him, "you goofball" i said smiling. Optimus chuckled and kissed my face repeatedly and playfully making me giggle and squirm slightly. Optimus chuckled and rested his forehead to mine. I giggled softly and smiled rubbing my nose to his slightly.Optimus smiled and nuzzled me nose with his, his lips seeking mine. But when Xander cleared his throat. He froze. In blinked and rolled my eyes before i pulled back and glared at him, "werent you sleeping?" I asked annoyed.  Xander smirked. "Was." He said. Optimus blushed and pulled back. I arched a brow, "wanna be put back to sleep?" I growled slightly. Xander laughed. "Oh come on. I don't wanna be an uncle yet. I'm glad I woke up." Optimus turned red and his holoform vanished in embarrassment. I plopped on the seat and glared at him, "Really Xander!?" I growled my fave red from embarrassment and anger. Xander burst into laughter, holding his stomach tightly. He couldn't help it. Egging his sister was a right he held as her brother. I growled and tackled him to the floor smacking his arm, "your so dead!". Xander laughed and shoved me off him and grabbed me in a headlock. I growled and struggled, " Xander let go so i can kill you!!" i said pushing on his arms. Xander smirked."now, why would I do that?". I growled at him and leaned down and bit his arm. Xander yelped and let me go, shaking his arm. "Ow!". I glared at him, " your a buttmunch you know that?" i said annoyed and still embarrassed. Xander smiled weakly. "Love ya too " he said. I crossed my arms and pouted slightly. Xander frowned, "What?". I poked my lip out, " nothin" i pouted. He flinched. "Kairi....". I glanced at him before i tackled him back to the floor putting him in a head lock. Before Xander could retaliatethey both rolled across the floorboard as Optimus slammed on the brakes.I leaped up and went to the front of his cab, "Whats wrong!?" i asked worriedly. "I just picked up an autobot distress signal.". He said as he spun out and headed in the direction of the signal. 

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