Energon Keeper

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Chapter 20

It had been almost a month since Optimus and I had sparkbonded. I had never felt so close to someone in my entire life. I could hear every thought he had, feel every feeling he felt and he could with me as well. i was also still confined to the base because Megatron was hunting me, which made Optimus even more cautious then he had been before. I sighed out of bordum as i flicked through channels on the tv in the main room my hair up in a ponytail. Optimus looked at me from behind the monitor before walking over next to the railing, "What do you want to do Kairi?" he asked already knowing how extremely bored i was. I turned to him without even saying anything and he shook his head, "No, i told you I can't risk you being out in the open like that. Megatron will surely take advantage of it." he said. I looked at him, "So there isnt anything at all i can do to convince you to go for a ride? Nothing at all?" i asked. He just shook his head, "Not until i know your safe, i'm sorry Kairi" he said as he went back to his work. I slumped in the couch as i went back to flickng through the channels on the tv. He watched me out of the corner of his optics. He didnt like seeing me like this but he didnt know what else to do. He finally transformed into the big rig and sent his holoform out. He walked up the stairs and found a place beside me on the couch as he looked at me, "Kairi..." he said in almost a whisper. I looked at him sitting up next to him, "What?" i asked as if i didnt already know. i liked that we could hear each others thoughts but i enjoyed the sound of his voice more. "Is there anything we could do here so your not as bored?" he asked hoping there was. I looked at him as i snuggled into his side resting my head on his chest. He smiled as he put his arm around me bringing me closer. I quietly slid my other hand out from behind me and slipped it under the back of his shirt as i ran my fingers across his back. He tensed up a bit before shivering to my touch as he looked at me. "Please?" i asked with a pouting face. He stiffined as he tried to ignore my fingers on his back as well as my attempt at trying to break him. I couldnt think about what i was doing because then he would know so every move i made i made sure he was unaware of it. I scooted up closer as i kissed his neck softly before whispering, "Please Optimus" into his neck. He closed his eyes as he shivered before letting out a low groan as he opened his eyes and looked at me, "You dont play fair you know that right" he said eyeing me. i giggled my lips just inches from his skin as he shivered again. "Well i had to resort to such unfair tatics when im stuck inside all the time" i said softly. He chuckled a bit at my comment. He had wanted to take me out for a while now but a part of him was still scared for my safety. I leaned back and looked at him, "Optimus, i trust you. I know you would never let anything happen to me, but you also know i wouldn't let anything happen to you either. But let me say this, If we stay inside like this one of two things is gonna happen. One i will most likely find something to get into and Primus knows what i will do, or two we go out for one day every week just the two of us so that way i wont begin to get clostiphobic." i said smiling at him. He looked at me as he thought about what i had said. He chuckled at the thought of me getting into something, which most likely would be one of Ratchets inventions. He finally gave in and looked at me, "Ok Kairi, but go change clothes. I have something special in mind" he said blocking his thoughts from me so i couldnt figure out what he was planning. I jumped for joy as i kissed him deeply before bounding off to our room to change clothes. Optimus just shook his head and smiled as he got up and walked towards his truck form leaning against the passenger side door waiting on me to come back in the room. When i walked back into the main room i thought i saw Optimus's jaw drop. i was wearing a pair of blue jean shorts and a black dress shirt along with my heeled boots. I had my watch on my wrist and my Autobot symbol necklace on as it sat right above my chest. My hair was down as it laid on my shoulders. I smiled at him as i walked over to him. "Your beautiful Kairi" he said wrapping his arms around me. I smiled as my cheeks turned red as i started to blush. He opened the door and helped me in the passenger seat. He then walked around and got in the drivers seat as he began to drive. "So where we going?" i asked looking over at him. He smiled as he looked at me before looking back ahead, "You'll have to wait and see" he said. I looked at him knowing he could hear what i was thinking especially after seeing a grin come across his face as he drove.
We soon arrived at a small open plain as he pulled over to the side of the road. He got out and came over to my side and helped me out as he took my hand and walked me to the plain as he stood behind me his hands wrapped around my waist as i held them. I was fixing to ask why we were here but i saw something strange. There was a huge crater in the middle of the feild that striked me as odd. It was to big to be a meteor crater but to small to be a really big one. i turned my face to look up at him my head resting against his chest, "Whats that?" i asked as i pointed at the crater. "This is where i landed on earth." he said looking at the crater. i turned my attention back to the crater as a smile came across my face. "So you crashed?" i said with a small giggle. He chuckled as he looked down at me, "I guess you could say that" he said as he hugged me closer. I looked at the crater a little longer before looking back up towards him, "This place is really special to you isnt it?" i asked. He looked back at me smiling before he glanced back up at the crater, "Yes, because if i hadnt landed.." i cut him off with a small nudge to his stomach as he looked at me before shaking his head, "ok, crashed here i would never had met you" he said. I smiled as i turned around in his arms standing on my tiptoes to bring my lips to his. We kissed for a moment our sparks humming at our connection. He broke the kiss first as he smiled, "Now that i have showed you what i wanted to, where do you want to go?" he asked as i looked into his eyes. I tilted my head as i thought a moment, "What about the movies? It's been a while since i have been to a good movie." i said giving him a smile. He thought a moment as he looked at me, "Ok, lets go then" he said as he quickly picked me up bridal style and carried me to his truck form. I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck as i pulled myself closer to him. He opened the passenger door as he sat me in the passenger seat before closing the door and walking around to the drivers side and getting in. He began to drive as he looked at me and saw i was staring at him, "What?" he asked a bit confused since i had also blocked my mind so he couldt eeves drop. "I wanna drive!" i said smiling. He looked a bit caught off guard by my comment as he looked at me with a curious look. "Really?" he asked as if he didnt know what else to say. I giggled as i nodded at him. " I want to drive, without your help" i said as i giggled again at his facial expression. He thought a moment as he looked out the window. I got out of the passenger seat and walked over and sat in his lap wrapping my arms around his neck as i kissed his chin softly. He shivered as he looked down at me, "You need to learn to play fair Kairi" he said with a slight chuckle. I laughed as i snuggled into his neck. He sighed as he gave in , "Fine, but please dont run anyone over" he said jokingly. i looked up at him as if offended, "Hey i am a way better driver then that! Besides if they dont want to get hit they best stay out of my way" i said with a giggle which earned a weary look from Optimus. I got out of his lap as he got up to sit in the passenger seat as i sat down on the drivers side, "Besides if you think im about to run into or over anything you can always hit the brakes" i said before revving his engine. He shivered abit as he looked at me, "Dont do that" he said trying to hide his smile. I giggled as i put it in drive and pressed the gas as we lunged forward before the brakes were hit, "Hey!" i said looking at him. "You said if i feel like i need to stop" he said with a chuckle. "Oh you think your funny now huh?" i said with a smirk. He looked at me a moment before he understood what i meant, "Uhh....Kairi" was all he got out before i pressed the gas as we sped off. i swirved around a car passing them as i honked the horn. He face plamed as he said to himself, "were gonna crash" . I heard him as i slid sideways around a curve turning the wheel back before i fishtailed. It was then i spunn out on the road as i swirved into the movie theater parking lot before i hit the brakes. I giggled as i turned to look at him. He looked at me as if he had been scared to death, "Your not driving anymore" he said as he tried to catch his breath. i could feel our sparks racing and it made me giggle that i had scared him. "Oh, did little ole me scare the great Optimus Prime?" i asked with a giggle. He looked at me arching his brow as he smiled at me before shaking his head, "That's not funny" he said as he finally slowed his breathing. I giggled more as i looked at him, "Your right it wasnt funny, it was halirious!" i said as i got out of the drivers seat and stood beside him. He got up and opened the door stepping out as he helped me out by picking me up and setting me down on the ground. He closed the door before wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we headed for the theater. "So what is it exactly that we are going to see?" he asked before we got up to the window. I thought a moment about what i knew was playing, "There is a space movie on" i said looking at him with a smile. He chuckled as he looked back at me, "Your serious?" he said a bit confused. I nodded as i snuggled against his side. We soon approched the window where there was a guy there selling the movie tickets. Optimus bought two tickets to see the new Star Trek movie. We went inside and found the theater it was in and went inside. I took his hand as i led him up to the very top of the theater so we wouldnt have to worry about anyone being behind us as we sat at the top in the corner. The movie began and as soon as it did Optimus just shook his head. I looked at him curiously, "What?" i whispered to him. He looked at me as he began explaining why what was going on wasnt possible or why it wasnt right. I lifted the arm rest up that was between us and snuggled against his side and chest as i giggled softly as he critisized the movie. He was in the middle of saying how the planet that was on the screen exsisted but didnt look like that when i sat up closer to him kissing his neck softly. He shivered before groaning as he looked at me. "Will you stop doing that" he said as if he was holding himself back from doing the same. I giggled as i did it again, this time he stiffined a bit as he tried to move his neck away from me. "Kairi..." he said in a pleading voice. i giggled as i snuggled into his neck, "ok ill leave you alone.....for now" i said softly. He sighed as he relaxed again holding me closer as we finished watching the movie. When it ended we got up and left the theater as we headed towards his truck form as he pulled me close. "Did you have fun?" he asked looking at me. I snuggled close to him as i smiled, "I had a great time, thanks Optimus" i said hugging him close. He smiled glad that i had enjoyed myself. We got inside as I sat in the passenger seat and he sat in the drivers seat. I rolled the window down and looked out it as he started to drive the wind blowing in my face making my hair sway in the air. He looked at me smiling. I started to close my eyes as i began to drift off to sleep. Optimus saw this out the corner of his eye as his holoform stood up and picked me up and took me to the back of the cab and laid me down on the bed. He covered me up and kissed my brow softly as he went back to the drivers seat. I snuggled against the soft mattress and blanket as i continued to sleep. We soon reached the base as he drove into it as he parked inside our shared room. He got up from the drivers seat and came to the back and laid down beside me proping himself up with one arm as he brushed my hair behind my ear. He then softly traced his fingers down my back. i shivered a bit and then turned over snuggling into his chest. He smiled as he wrapped his arm around me before laying down completely. He finally drifted off to sleep alongside me.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now