Energon Keeper

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Chapter 11

I had about a hundred thoughts going through my mind while I was so relaxed. I didn't know if I would be able to do what I was mean to do. All I did know was I would always protect him no matter what. I would never leave his side. My thoughts got interrupted as I felt someone sit down beside me. I thought it may be Jack but when I opened my eyes who I saw made me jump. The man sitting next to me was about 6'0" tall with short black hair. He had bright energon blue eyes that kind of sparkle in the sunlight. His skin has a soft tan, not to dark not to pale and he is wearing a white t-shirt with dark blue jeans. He has toned muscles like that of a solider. He looked at me a moment before smiling. "Who are you?" I said as I attempted to slide away not recognizing him at first, until he spoke. "What's wrong Kairi? You look like you've seen a ghost" he said with a grin. I instantly relaxed and then punched him in the arm. He started rubbing his arm where I hit him at. "What was that for?" he asked with a bit of a chuckle. "For scaring me like that!" I said trying to hide my laughter. "What are you thinking about? You looked like you were deep in thought" he said. I looked at him a minute before sighing. "A lot of things, mostly wondering if I am strong enough to do what I was meant to do. I don't know if I am strong enough to protect you." I said as I leaned back against his true form. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Kairi, I believe in you. You are strong. A lot stronger then I am. I will gladly put my life in your hands. I trust you and know you would never let anything happen to me." I looked at him and smiled. He always made me feel good about myself. He never let me think less of myself as I often did. "Thanks Optimus" I said. I got up and looked at him, "Wanna go have some fun?" He looked at me a bit confused, "What do you mean?" he asked. I giggled at him and held my hand out as he reached up and grabbed it. "Just get up!" I said as I pulled him to his feet. He wasn't much taller than me but I still had to look up a little bit. I drug him over to a more secluded part of the beach so the others didn't see him 'having fun'. I then playfully tossed him into the sand, but little did I know he hadn't let go of my hand and I went tumbling with him. I just started laughing as I rolled around in the sand. He sat up brushing the dirt out of his hair as he looked at me. "You are a funny girl" he said with a bit of a chuckle. "Well you're like the big brother I never had, but always wanted." I said with a grin as I tackled him knocking him back into the sand. I sat on his stomach looking at him as he folded his arms behind his head looking up at me. "Well I am glad to be considered your brother" he said with a smile. I poked his sides, "I wish I had muscles like your holoform does. " I said with a grin. I saw him jump as a smile crossed his face. "What's funny?" I asked with a confused look. He looked at me and just shook his head, "Oh... Nothing" he said hoping I hadn't noticed his reaction to me touching his sides. I looked at him curiously again. I thought a moment and poked his sides again and he jumped again and chuckled a bit. "What's wrong with you?" I asked as I giggled a bit. "Well you know how my systems are sensitive to your powers?" I nodded at him. "Well my holoform shares that same sensitivity especially since I'm in human form." He said with a soft smile. I looked at him and smiled then I started tickling his sides. He put his arms down trying to hide his sides as he rolled on his side in the sand laughing. "Kairi....please...stop!" he said between laughs. I giggled and stopped looking at him. He caught his breath and looked at me with a smirk. I instantly jumped off his stomach and began to run across the sand. He jumped up and ran after me tackling me to the ground as he began to tickle my sides. I burst into laughter not being able to escape. "Ok.....ok...I give......Optimus!!!" I screamed while I laughed. He stopped and sat in the sand propping himself up with one arm looking down at me as I lay in the sand. I caught my breath and looked up at him, "What?" I said still breathing hard. He just smiled at me a moment before speaking. "You are so full of life." He said looking at me. I looked up at him and just smiled. Something about his holoform sent shivers down my spine. There was something about how he was opening up to me that made me feel like I could do anything. "I admire how much you love life. You bring out a different part of me that I thought had disappeared a long time ago." He said staring into my eyes. I looked back into his eyes and I felt my heart melt. I got lost in his gaze and I guess he noticed it because he started tickling my sides again. "Optimus!!! Stop!" I said giggling as I tried to escape his grasp. I finally got free and bolted down the beach. I heard him coming up behind me and when he got right behind me I quickly turned and grabbed him from behind and made him land on his stomach on the ground as I sat on his back. "Gotcha!" I said with a smirk as I started tickling his sides again. He started laughing as he tried to get me off his back by trying to do a pushup. He failed as he fell back down laughing. "Ok....Ok....I give up.....I give up Kairi!!" he said while he laughed. I stopped and smiled victoriously. He lay in the sand breathing hard. "I'll get you back for that" he said as he sat up a bit brushing the sand off his face. "I smiled as I continued to sit on his back. "Why not try your pushups now?" I asked him. He pushed himself off the sand while I sat on his back and then went back down. "Woah!" I said a bit shocked. "What you didn't think I could do it?" he asked with a grin. "Well yea I knew you could, just didn't know you could in this form." I said. He did a few more and then when he did his last push up I poked his sides while he was up making him fall down on his stomach. He turned his head looking at me. "You think your funny don't you?" he asked chuckling a bit. "Yep!" I said with a grin. I rolled off him and laid on my back while he laid on his stomach. I turned my head and looked at him and smiled. Something about him made me feel like everything was going to be ok. Like nothing bad could happen. "I wish everyday was as great as today" I said looking at him. "I promise we will do this more often Kairi." He said in his deep voice. It sent shivers down my spine and I didn't know why it made me feel that way. I continued to lay in the sand as I closed my eyes relaxing as he watched me. He didn't understand why he was pulled to her so much. Why he wanted her near him all the time. There was something about her he didn't understand. Little did he know he was going to find out sooner then he thought.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now