Energon Keeper

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Chapter 12

As we came through the ground bridge after our mission everyone was exhausted. I breathed heavily as i ploped down on the couch on the upper platform. I looked at Optimus as he walked past and i could tell he was tired, but being Optimus he wasnt going to admit it. "Optimus you really need to rest, the work around here can wait." I heard Ratchet say from the other side of his computer. "It has to be done Ratchet. If i put it off it will never be done." He said as he headed towards his room. I sighed as i closed my eyes. I began to think about our trip to the island we had a few weeks ago when my thoughts were interupted by the sound of my name being called. "Kairi....Kairi come here!" I heard Ratchet say as i sat up looking towards his computer. I got up and walked to the other end of teh platform near his work area and leaned over the railing looking at the medic. "Whats up Ratchet?" i asked still visably axhausted. "Can you take Optimus somewhere so he can rest? He needs to take his mind of work and get some r&r. I figure you will have a better chance of convinceing him then i will." He said looking at me. I blushed a little hoping the medic didnt notice it as i nodded. "Sure, why not get the ground bridge ready, I have been dying to get a tan" i said with a smile. Ratchet just shook his head, "I will never understand you humans." He said as he began to type in the coordinates. I leaped off the paltform and went towards Optimus's room. As I turned the corner i saw him typing away at his computer. I could tell the last battle took its toll on the leader even though he acts like he is perfectly fine. I walked in and climbed the stairs onto the platform and walked over to where he was and rested my arms on the railing. He continued to work and i guess he hadnt noticed me cause when i spoke i think i startled him. "Hey what you doin?" i asked. He looked at me and just gave me a half smile. "Doing some work" he said as he turned back to the screen. I thought about how Ratchet expected me to get him out from in front of his computer. "Look i know your just as tired as i am if not more. You need to rest." I said looking at him. He stopped typing and sighed as he looked at me, "Ratchet put you up to this didnt he?" he asked. I smiled a bit, "Well yea, but feel the same way. You need to get some rest. So i am in charge of getting you out of the base to relax" I said with a grin. He looked at me and shook his head. He knew it was useless to argue with me. He knew when my mind was made up it was best just to go along with it. "So where exactly are we going?" he asked turning off his computer. "Back to the island we went to a few weeks back. You did promise we would go there more often." I said with a smirk knowing he wouldnt protest going back there. He smiled and held his hand out for me to get into his hand. I climbed in as he walked back into the main room. He glanced at Ratchet who had a smile on his face. He opened the ground bridge and Optimus put me down as he transformed into the red and blue diesel truck. I climbed in the drivers seat and he drove through the ground bridge and onto the dirt road next to the beach and grass field we had visited before.
I hoped out of his drivers seat as i landed in the soft grass. I took my shoes and socks off enjoying the feeling of the soft grass on my feet. Optimus sent his holoform out as i turned looking at him. I tried to ignore the burning feeling in my cheeks as i started to blush. He was wearing shorts and a white tank top shirt. He has on sandals and a pair of sunglasses as he looked at me. "What?" he asked as he gave me a smile. "You look more ready for the beach then i do." i said with a smile. I saw him take his sandals off as he walked over to a spot on the grass and sat down. I followed him sitting down beside him. A warm breeze blew past as my hair danced around. I took a deep breath and exhaled enjoying the fresh air once again. I turned to look at him only to see him staring at me. I almost jumped seeing him staring at me but my face began to turn red again. "What?" i said looking at him. He gave me a half smile, "I know why Ratchet had you talk to me about resting" he said as he leaned back and layed down in the grass. I scooted up next to him turning to face him put keeping myself proped up with on arm, "Whys that?" i asked with a smile. He turned to look at me as he put his hands behind his head. "I cant say no to you" he said with a half smile. I started to feel my face getting warm again and i turned away trying to hide my blushing cheeks. I sat up and looked out at the ocean. He must have noticed because he sat up to pushing my hair behind my ears so he could see my face. "Why are you trying to hide your face?" he asked curilously. I got nervous not sure of what to say. I got up and started giggling as i ran towards the sand. He looked at me and got up as he chased me. I got to the middle of the beach and stopped to catch my breath and when i turned around he was right behind me. I screamed then put my hand on my heart, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" i asked him breathing fast and trying not to smile. "You didnt answer my question" he said arching a brow as he cross his arms. I punched him in the shoulder which he began to rub with his hand, "What was that for?" he said as he chuckled. I looked at him crossing my arms, "For scaring me" i said. He looked at me with a smile, "I am glad you got me to relax" he said before sitting down in the warm sand. I looked down at him before sitting down beside him. He was looking out over the ocean as the reflection shimmered in his energon blue eyes. He spoke without taking his eyes off the ocean. "Your still avoiding my question Kairi." he said before turning to look at me. I shivered as he spoke and his gaze made my heart melt. "I..uh...uh..i ummm...." I started stammering over my words embarssed at the question he had asked me. He leaned over to me and smiled his face inches from my own as my face turned red as i blushed.
Something inside my spark told me to kiss her. Every time she breathed on his lips his spark shivered. Something about this girl made him feel stronger then he ever had before. He felt like he could do anything as long as she was around. He noticed her face had turned red and it amused him that she was so easily embarrassed when around him. Maybe she feels it to. Maybe she is as confused he was. He stared into her dark blue eyes as they shimmered like the ocean. He loved how her hair fell in her face. She looked so beautiful in the sunlight. He had to stop himself. He couldnt love a human. She could never love him. They were two very different species. If only he could understand why she made him feel this way. He continued having this internal conflict with himself as he looked at her.
I smiled at him as he stared at me. It slowly slipped one of my hands under his shirt while he looked at me since he wasnt paying attention. I slid my fingers down his back softly making him shiver and jump a bit but he then relaxed as i did it again. "You ok?" i asked giggling a bit after his reaction. "Yea it just tingled a bit, but it feels good now." he said as he closed his eyes. This was the first time i really ever saw him relax. he leaned forward resting his arms and head on his knees as i continued sliding my fingers across his back. I was glad i could help him relax. He had needed a good day to rest after all the battles and injuries he has had since we came here last time. I slid my fingers over to his side and brushed them across it slowly. I felt him shiver at my touch and he chuckled a bit under his breath. I smiled and did it again and he jumped and looked up at me, "You should not of done that." he said with a smirk. I saw the look in his eyes and i got up and took off running. He jumped up and chased me across the sand on the beach. He caught up to me and tackled me as we both fell on the ground and rolled around in the sand. I landed on my back and He was on top of me with his hands on either side of me as he hovered above me. I smiled as i reached up and tickled his sides softly. He stiffend himself trying to resist the temptation to fall ontop of me. He shivered as i continued as it got harder for him to hold himself up. I giggled as he closed his eyes and bit his lip trying not to laugh. If he laughed he would lose control of his body and fall on me. I continued to softly tickle his sides as he shivered more. I could tell he was fighting the urge to laugh and trying not to fall but it was amusing how he delt with it. I giggled as i slid my fingers to his his back and drug my fingernails across his spine. He went to arch his back a bit but stopped as he shivered then relaxed. He finally opened his eyes and looked at me. "Sorry i couldnt resist." i said with a smile. He smiled back enjoying me scratching his back. "It wasnt funny" he said trying not to laugh. "Yes it was" i said as i giggled again. I stared into his eyes getting lost in his gaze. It was like i was hypnotized by the energon blue in his eyes. He looked back our faces only inches apart. It was then that we both lost the battle with ourselves. Our lips crept closer together as we closed our eyes. The sensation was so amazing. The instant our lips touched it was like sparks flew. A shiver went throughout my body as our lips continued to touch. It was like they were ment to be together. They fit together like two perfect puzzle pieces. After a few moments we stopped and looked at each other. It was then that we realized there was something more to our friendship then meets the eye.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now