Energon Keeper

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Chapter 13

We had been on the island all day. I walked through the water at the edge of the beach thinking about what had happened about an hour ago. Had I just kissed Optimus Prime? What was wrong with me? Was this really happening? I looked up from the ocean rushing across my feet and looked towards Optimus. He had fallen asleep while lying in the sand. I just smiled as I looked at him. I wondered why I was feeling this way. Even in his robot mode I had feelings for him. I liked him for him. No, I loved him for him. I quietly walked over to him seeing him still sleeping. I sat down next to him stroking the hair from his face as he slept. He was so tired and I didn't want to wake him up. I looked out over the ocean as I thought about what to do. There had to be a reason I felt so strongly for him. Maybe I was cybertronian in some way. Maybe that's why I absorbed all the energon in that cave when I was younger. Maybe that's why I bleed energon as they do. If I were really human none of this would even be possible. That's when it hit me. I wasn't born her, I was sent here. I looked at my hands at the soft and delicate skin that covered my body. It was then that I realized what I wanted. I wanted to be the same as them. I wanted to be a full cybertronian. I turned looking at him as he still slept. I was going to be with him somehow. I didn't know how but I was going to try whatever I had to. I gently stroked his back as he shivered slightly but didn't wake up. I continued to stroke his back softly as he slept.
There were a lot of thoughts going through his mind as he slept. One in particular was the kiss. His spark shivered feeling her touch as he slept. He knew she was near him but he was in a deep sleep, something he had needed for a long time. He knew something was different about her. She wasn't a normal human and he knew that. She had some cybertronian in her but he didn't know how much was there. After a while his body shivered enough to wake him up as he looked at her.
As I stroked his back my hand accidently slipped onto his side as he shivered. I turned to look at him only to meet his gaze. I smiled at him as he smiled back, both of us not knowing what to say to the other at the moment. "Did you sleep well?" I asked him finally breaking the silence. "Yes I did, thank you" he said propping himself up on one arm as he sat sideways in the sand. I looked at him and took a deep breath and exhaled. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked as he sat up and scooted closer to me. I looked at him as he sat next to me, "What are we becoming Optimus?" I asked looking into his eyes hoping he had an answer to my question. He looked at me a moment as if trying to think about what to say. "I don't know Kairi." He said looking away. "Do you like me?" I asked him. He looked up quickly as he looked at my face, "I don't like you Kairi, I....." he trailed off as if scared to say it. I turned around to face him as I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "Tell me please" I said as I searched his eyes for answers. He looked at me a moment before answering. " I love you" he said softly as he looked at me expecting me to get mad or disgusted. I surprised him when I started grinning, "I love you to" I said as I jumped into his arms knocking him back onto the sand. I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my back. "I will do anything to be with you Optimus. Anything" I said. He looked at me then up at the sky as a smile crossed his face. She loves him. Finally everything made sense. How her powers affected him, why every time he heard her voice his spark skipped a beat. When he saw her smile he was helpless. Why he yearned for her touch. She was always meant for him. After all these long years he finally found the one that was meant for him. His sparkmate.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now