Energon Keeper

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Chapter 16

My trasnformation, thought painful, didnt last as long as it felt it did. I opened my eyes looking around the main room of the base. I stood up and when i looked down at my legs they were now made of metal and extremely shinny because of the reflection of the lights on the top of the base. I looked at my hands which were made of the same smooth metal that covered my whole body. I was a deep shade of blue, the same color my eyes had been when I was human. I got up and walked over to a piece of polished metal to look at my reflection. I was very gracful as I walked almost like I was ment to be what I had become. When I got infront of the mirror like metal I saw my face and what I saw shocked me. I had an elegantly narrow silver face, and the deeop blue paint for shining like the sun on the ocean. Two cobalt lightning like shapes crossed my cheeks from my ears. A proud blue spike lifted from a glimmering sapphire in between my eyes and two layers of protusions like eyebrows were above my eyes. My shimmering electric blue eyes were surrounded by black metal making up my eyes. My shoulders and chest where the same deep blue color and smooth metal. It kinda reminded me of how Arcee was built yet my body was smoother compared to hers being i used to be human. I closed my eyes and thought about my human form again and i felt my body change and when i opened them back i saw my human form again. "Cool..." i said quietly. I didnt have a vehicle mode like the rest, i had a human mode. I could do what they could with their holoforms only differance was it was my actuall alt-mode. I smiled as my dark brown hair fell on my shoulder. i turned around and saw optimus in his truck mode parked near where i had been laying. My heart dropped a bit knowing he must have been worried. Suddenly my memories started comming back to me. I had been captured by megatron and he had used me to try and kill Optimus, and i almost had. Tears welled in my eyes as i ran over to him and hugged the front of the truck. He must have fallen asleep because when i touched him he jumped and transformed into his bot mode. He looked around and when he looked down and saw me a smile came across his face as well as a sigh of relief. "Kairi, your ok" he said as he knelt down looked at me, I could see how tired he was in his eyes as i hugged his leg. I didnt want to show him my bot mode at the moment, i wanted it to be special when i did. "You know im to hard headed to go anywhere" i said with a smile. He couldnt stop looking at me. I could tell he had been really worried about me, which i knew the feeling. I started blushing as he stared at me, "Optimus, your embarrssing me" i said turning away from his gaze still feeling the warmth in my face. "Im sorry Kairi, i just thought......" he trailed off. I turned and looked at him seeing the pain in his eyes. " I thought i would never see you again" he said looking back at me. I walked over to him and gave him a smile. "Lets go somewhere, i have something i wanna tell you" i said with a smile. He looked at me and smiled softly, "Where do you wanna go?" he asked before trasnforming into the red and blue semi. I typed the coordinates into the groudnbridges controls before getting in his cab. "You'll see" i said as the ground bridge came to life. He drove through it and once we were through he noticed the all to familuar dirt roads and sandy beaches with the cool ocean and soft grassy field. "I should have known" he said from the dashboard. i could tell he was smiling as he pulled over near the grass field. i got out and stood infront of him, "Ok i may should have told you i had something to show you instead of tell you." i said with a smile. He transformed into bot mode and knelt down looking at me. "So what do you have to show me?" he asked as he looked at me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. My body began to change again as i transformed into my bot mode. I was still shorter then him but i was about the same height as Bumblebee making me taller then Arcee. I opened my optics looking at him and all i saw was shock. "You.......you....your..." i guess he couldnt think of the words as i walked over to him placing a hand on his cheek as i leaned in and kissed him softly. i felt him instantly relax as we stayed like that a moment. i finally pulled back looking at him. He smiled at me before he spoke. "Your beautiful Kairi" he said softly. I laid my head on his shoulder as i wrapped my arms around him. 'Now we will always be togther Optimus." i said as he wrapped his arms around me holding me close. I was happier then i had ever been in that moment. Everything that had happened up until this moment seemed to fade away as i sat in his arms. All the pain i had been going through while i changed dissappered as he held me close to his spark. My now beating spark vibrated from being so close to his and all i could do was smile. I was where i belonged. Who i belonged with. And there was nothing that could change that. At least nothing that i knew of at this time. Little did we know, MECH was getting ready to come after us again. And this time their target is not only Optimus.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now