Energon Keeper

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Chapter 21

I woke up with a sick feeling throughout my body. I sat up on the couch holding my head as i started getting dizzy. "Ugh....i feel like crap" i said with one eye open the other one close as my head started throbbing. Optimus sat up quickly next to me holding me. He instantly understood what was wrong with me as he held me close trying to comfort me. "Your running low on energon." he said softly brushing my hair from my face. I arched a brow as i looked at him, "Are you serious?" i asked a little confused being that i had never needed energon before being my body was pretty much made of the substance. "Kairi, now that your cybertronian your energon powers more then it did when you were human. We need to find you some energon" he said as he stood up. He helped me up as i wobbled a bit from the dizzy feeling in my head. "Well you could have warned me about that ya'know" i said teasingly. He chuckled as he helped me walk to his truck form. "Ratchet we will be back shortly. Have the others go on patrol when they wake up" he said as he helped me inside the cab before climbing in after me. I laid out across the bed in the back still holding my head as the throbbing got worse. He sat beside me gently stroking my hair as he started driving. "We will have to find you a raw energon source being that is what your body had consumed while human." he said softly looking at me. I looked up with one eye as i gave him a weak smile, "Oh joy a scavenger hunt" i said jokingly. He chuckled a bit as he drove out of the tunnel and into the open Nevada air. The sun was particularly hot today and i could tell mostly by how cold he had it in the cab. I closed my eyes enjoying the cool air as it blew past my face my hair swaying a bit. He continued to stroke my hair which began to ease my headache a little. I eventually fell back asleep as he smiled before making his holoform disappear as he continued driving searching for a nearby energon cave that hadnt been raided by Decpticons yet. We finally reached an old cave that was hidden behind a few trees. He sent his holoform out as he gently shook me, "Kairi, Kairi wake up. We're here" he said softly. I opened my eyes and looked up at him smiling. I got up weakly as i sat on the edge of the bed a minute to ease the dizziness that came as i moved. He helped me out of the cab and i soon leaned against a tree as i looked at him. Suddenly a shot rang out as his truck got hit with a blast. His holoform disappeared as he transformed energon leaking from a wound on his side. He put his battle mask on as he face his attacker. Megatron. I gasped as i gripped the tree Optimus standing between me and the Decepticon Lord. "Optimus, why not make it easy on all of us and just hand her over." he snarled evily. Optimus growled, "Never Megatron" as he exchanged his hands for a sword and a ion blaster. I still felt weak but i knew i had to help him.... somehow. I instantly headed for the cave running as fast as i could. Megatron smiled as he ran at me but only to be blocked by Optimus who locked swords with the con. I heard their battle even from the inside of the cave. I soon got to the back of it when i saw all the energon crystals on the walls of it. I stood in the middle as i closed my eyes my hands began to glow. All the energon from the walls suddenly began to absorb into my hands flowing freely into my body. I began to feel better, my strength slowly returning. I suddenly felt a sudden sharp pain in my arm and i gasped. Optimus had been hurt again. I increased the power as the rest of the energon absorbed into me and i opened my eyes as they shimmered energon blue. I took off running out of the cave hands and eyes glowing. I exited the cave and saw Megatron fixing to stab Optimus again as i ran at him. I did a flip and transformed into my true form before grabbing his blade and holding it between my hands glaring at him. "Not today, and not any other day Megatron!" i snapped as i gripped his sword and using my energy inside me i broke it in half making the him cry out in pain. I then shot a few energy shots at him before he fled the area. I stood there a moment before turning to Optimus helping him up. "Next time we bring back up" i said looking at him. He smiled a bit before wrapping his arms around me his arm still leaking energon. I put my hand on his arm as it started glowing healing his systems. He leaned in and kissed me softly as i healed his other wound on his side. I broke the kiss as i backed up and transformed standing there smiling, "Lets go back to base now" i said happily. He smiled as he transformed into the big rig opening the door. I got in and sat in the passenger seat as he shut the door and began to drive back to the base.

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