Energon Keeper

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Chapter 15

I ran alongside Arcee and Bumblebee as we battled a small army of vehicons in an energon mine just outside of Salem, Oregon. I shot some energy balls at a vehicon that tried to attack Bumblebee. I felt a sharp pain in my arms but I ignored it as I continued to fight. I knocked a couple more vehicons offline before I fell to my knees in pain. I felt my heart beat faster as my body felt as if it was changing. The pain was unbearable as she fell to the ground holding back a scream. She could hear Bumblebee and Arcee battling in the distance. I then heard large footsteps as I looked up tears staining my face. I thought it may have been Bumblebee but when I looked up what I saw sent chills down my spine. "I finally have you! And your precious Prime is nowhere in sight." I tried to call for help but the pain I was feeling made it impossible to speak. I tried to get away but it was no use, he had already grabbed me holding me in his hand. I heard Arcee and Bumblebee shout at Megatron to let me go and then all I rememberd after that was seeing them vanish in the distance.
I woke up in a strange room and it wasn't till I looked around that I noticed where I was, the Nemisis. The pain had subsided a little but I could still feel the pain all the way through to my bones. I felt strange as I looked around. I saw a nearby piece of metal that almost looked like a mirror. I got up and walked over to it and looked in the reflection. My eyes shimmered red as my skin looked as if it were shinning. Who am I? I had no memory of anything but the dulling pain I felt deep in my body and the fast paced beating of my heart. A giant silver bot walked into the room with a smirk on his face. "Ahhhhh your awake?" he said. I looked at him as he walked over and knelt down towards me. "I have a job for you my dear." He said as he held his hand out and I climbed into it as if in a trance. He carried me to a small room where he sat me on a platform where a blue shield surrounded me. My eyes shimmered from the red color to a bright blue color as the machine I was attached to powered up. I suddenly felt the pain in my body again and this time my skin started to change. Strange patches of metal replaced parts of my skin as something inside me began to get stronger. The machine was attached to looked like some kind of weapon as I looked around taking in my surroundings. How had I gotten there? Who was I? Why did some part of me feel incomplete? These questions ran through my mind as I attempted to ignore the pain surging through my body. I turned to see the silver bot again as he gave me a smile, "Now my dear, activate your powers so I can see what damage you can do" he said motioning towards a face target in front of the weapon. I concentrated as a large blast of energy shot out of the weapon making the target explode. "Perfect!" he said with a smirk. "Now it's time for its real target, Optimus Prime!" he said evilly. Optimus Prime, why did that name send shivers through my body? There was something familiar about it but my memory was lost to me at the moment.
Meanwhile back at base Bumblebee and Arcee tell Optimus and the others what had happened. Optimus kept his composure in front of the others but how he felt on the inside was a different story. His love was in the hands of Megatron and who knows what he had planned for her or what he has already done to her. "We have to get her back now!" Optimus walked towards the arms room to get his weaponry ready. Nobody else said a word they just did what he did and got ready to save Kairi. Ratchet followed Optimus and walked up to him, "Optimus, I don't know what happened the other day when you two went to that island, but I have noticed a change in you even if everyone else hasn't. She is special to you isn't she?" he asked his old friend hoping he wouldn't lie to him. Optimus looked at Ratchet and sighed trying to stay as calm as possible while his spark ached for Kairi. "She means more to me than life itself. I have to get her back Ratchet." He said looking at his friend. Ratchet nodded as he put a hand on his shoulder. "We will get her back Optimus." He said before heading back into the main room. They all got ready to go through a ground bridge that led to an energon mine they thought Megatron and his troops would be at. Optimus was the first to walk through the bridge and enter the open field near the mine. The others followed all readying their weapons as did Optimus. What they saw next shocked them all and made Optimus's spark drop.
Megatron appeared in the middle of the field with a large machine aimed at Optimus. Attached to the machine was me. "Let her go Megatron!" Optimus said in a threating tone as he grit his teeth behind his battle mask. "Optimus, so glad you can make it. I was waiting on you to get here so I could show you my new weapon. Ready my dear?" he turned and looked at me. My energy powered up as the weapon charged. Optimus and there others scattered as a huge blast of energy blasted through the air destroying the rocks that were behind where they had been standing. "Arcee, Bumblebee we will keep Megatron busy you two get to Kairi!" he said as he shot at Megatron as they headed towards each other to begin battling. Bumblebee and Arcee sneak over to where I am and try to get me out but can't get past me shield. "Kairi! Kairi its Arcee! Can you hear me?" she said as she looked at Bumblebee. He began hitting my shield and when he did a blast of energy hits them both knocking them into the nearest wall. Optimus and Megatron battle in front of the weapon and as soon as Megatron gets Optimus in front of the weapon he looks at me and yells, "Now!" I powered up the weapon as it fired another blast Optimus barely dodges it but it hurt him pretty bad as he fell to his knees holding a huge wound in his stomach as it leaked fresh energon all over the ground. Megatron walked over to him his sword aimed at Optimus's head. "Today is your last Optimus Prime" he said as he glared down at the Prime. Optimus turned and looked at me his eyes making contact with mine when all of the sudden my memories began to flow through my mind like a never ending book. I remembered everything that had happened. I looked seeing Optimus hurt as the memories of that day at the beach flooded my mind as tears swelled in my eyes. I began to feel the pain again as I winced and suddenly an explosion of energon erupted around my body as the machine he had me hooked up to exploded. Optimus and the others all were knocked onto the ground due to the effects of the explosion as flames lay across the field. Optimus sat up holding his stomach as he saw a strange blue aurora emerge from the flames. A human shaped body that shimmered like metal walked out onto the open field past the flames and strait over to him. His spark shivered at the sight as the being leaned down placing a hand on his face. Parts of my skin were shimmering like his metal where my skin had changed. I could still feel the pain but while I was next to him it was a dull feeling. "Kairi?" he said looking at me. Tears filled my eyes remembering what I had almost done while under Megatrons control. "Im so sorry, I couldn't stop myself" I said as tears streamed down my face. I knelt down to heal his wound and while I did it Megatron got up and came running at us. "Prime you will not get away with this!!" he yelled. I turned as my eyes shimmered bright blue as Megatron was lifted off the ground and threw into a large boulder. "Ratchet send us a ground bridge." Optimus said over the com link. He looked at me as he saw I had gotten a little taller. He picked me up as he stood wincing a bit from the pain of his wound. "Let me heal you" I protested. "Not now Kairi, you need to rest now. We are going back to base. There will be plenty of time for you to heal me once we get back." He said as the ground bridge appeared. He walked through it followed by everyone else as he laid me down on the sick bay bed. I looked at him as the pain went through my body again as I winced and tears slid down my face. "Kairi!! Kairi whats wrong?" he asked as he looked down at me. It was too late, the pain had took its toll on me again as I blacked out.
Optimus stayed right next to her the entire time Ratchet checked her vitals. "What's wrong with her Ratchet?" he asked after his old friend finished. Ratchet looked at him as if not knowing what to say. "Please tell me" he said. Ratchet looked at her then back at him. "Optimus, she is becoming one of us. Slowly and painfully her body is being taken over by the dominant cells inside of her which are the cybertronian ones." Optimus looked at her with pain in his eyes, "Is there any way to ease her suffering?" he asked as he clenched his fists. Ratchet shook his head, "I'm sorry Optimus, all we can do is wait and pray to the allspark that she survives the transformation." He said as he patted his old friends shoulder leaving him alone with the transforming femme. He transformed into his truck form and sent his holoform out. He stood next to the bed she was on and he brushed her hair out of her face as he looked at her. "You can do this Kairi, you're a fighter. You can pull through this." He leaned down and softly kissed her lips as he whispered in her ear. "You can't leave me, I need you Kairi. Please don't leave me" a single tear slid down his cheek as he watched her. "I wish I could take your pain away Kairi. If you can hear me you have to be strong. You can beat this. I am going to be here with you for however long it takes. I love you Kairi." He dismissed his holoform as he transformed back into his robot form as he sat next to her and stared at the floor waiting for his beloved to regain consciousness. I felt trapped in my own mind as I felt the pain increase as my body began to change. I could sense Optimus was near me and I wanted to call out to him but I was bound inside my own mind as the pain got worse and worse. I had to stay strong though. I had to make it through this alive so I could see Optimus again. I could just imagine how he was feeling right now as I lay there going through something he could not control or change. As my body changed I could feel all parts of my body changing as my skin turned to metal then back to skin as my whole body became metal. Then just as soon as it did my human skin covered the metal up disguising my true form from others. It was then that I became stronger then I had ever been. Today was the day I was reborn as a cybertronian.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now