Energon Keeper

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Chapter 5

    I thought I was gonna drive myself crazy waiting on them to come back. It had been two hours since Optimus and the others left. I was pacing the floor back and forth while the others sat on the couch watching TV except for Jack who had wandered over to where I was pacing. “ Kairi, are you ok? You seem nervous.” he asked. I stopped pacing and looked at him and gave him a half smile. “ I'm just worried, they've been gone a long time.” He looked at his watch. “ Your right, its been to long if you ask me.” We both walked over to Ratchet who had got left behind to be able to open the ground bridge. “Ratchet have you heard from Optimus?” I asked looking up at the bot. “No I haven't, something doesn't seem right to me.” he said looking down at me and Jack. “ I was thinking the same thing myself. Have you tried to contact them?” He looked back at the screens. “I've tried, haven't gotten a response. It's like their out of range.”

        I looked down and gripped my hands and looked back up at Ratchet. “Send me to their last known coordinates. I'm going to find them.” Jack and the others looked at me in shock as did Ratchet. “Your just a human, you can't possibly think you can do much without some help.” I looked up at him with a bit of a glare. “ Look I know I'm not a big bot but I need to do something and if you wont help me get there ill find my own way. Either way it goes I'm going to go look for them and make sure they are ok.”Ratchet sighed and opened a ground bridge for me and as I turned to walk into it Jack ran up behind me and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. “ You can't stop me Jack. I have to do this.” He smiled at me, “ I know, just be careful and make it back safe.” he pulled me close and kissed me deeply on the lips and when he left go I blushed so bad I could feel the heat in my face. “ I'll be back, I promise.” I said as he left me go I ran through the ground bridge. I appeared in a old town that look like it was deserted now.

        I looked around as I walked through the town and I suddenly heard a loud sound coming from the distance a good three miles away. I started running in the direction of the noise. When I got halfway there I heard a loud groan as I looked to my left I saw bulkhead sitting on the ground. I ran over to him as he rubbed his head he looked at me. “Where did you come from?” he asked. “I sensed something was wrong and I had Ratchet open a ground bridge for me. Are you ok?” he nodded a bit but I could tell he had taken quite a hit. “I'll be fine but you need to go help the others.” I looked at him and used my hands to heal his wounds. “What happened?” I asked while I worked. “We were ambushed. It was a trap for Optimus and we fell right into it.” I got through and he stood up. “Thanks Kairi, I'll follow you so we can both help.” I nodded and turned back in the direction of the fighting and started running again as I heard Bulkhead transform in to his SUV form and follow close behind me for backup. We finally arrived at the battle sight where I saw a bunch of cons attacking Arcee, Bumbulebee, and Optimus. They all seemed quite injured as they continued defending themselves. I came up behind the cons and fired some shots at them from my hands like balls of blue fire which distracted them long enough for the bots to gain some ground back as Bulkhead re-joined them.

        Optimus caught sight of the blue fire shooting at the cons and thought something looked familiar about it. I saw Optimus had noticed something so I snuck away from where the cons were and over to the bots without being noticed I stood a little ways behind Optimus so not to get “squished” as Ratchet put it. The cons started to fall back and as they did I heard Optimus finally call to Ratchet and tell him to send a ground bridge. As the ground bridge appeared I followed behind Optimus after the others as we arrived back in the base I walked over to the side of the room as is saw Optimus looking for me. He finally saw me in the corner and walked over to me. “I can't help but feel we had someone watching over us today. You know anything about that?” he asked but even in his voice I could tell he already knew. “Well let’s just say I know more than you think. And I might have had something to do with the watching over you part.” I said with a smile. He gave me a smile. Ratchet looked at the other bots as I looked up at him. “Need some medical assistance?” I asked as he sat down. I saw a few small wounds on him. One on his shoulder one on his leg. “I rubbed my hands over his leg wound as it healed under my glowing blue hands. I then crawled up his chest and onto his shoulder as I sit near his neck I rubbed my hands over his wound as he watched me work. When I was done I turned around sitting on his shoulder I saw he was looking at me. I smiled at him, “Feel better?” He looked at me, “Yes I do, thank you Kairi. And thanks for earlier as well. I know you came to help us earlier.” I leaned back on his shoulder and closed my eyes. He did the same as we just sat back and relaxed a bit.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now