Energon Keeper

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Chapter 23

I was running an errand with Agent Fowler and June Darby to get supplies for the base for the others. We had just left the store and was heading for Fowlers car when a military like car skidded to a stop next to us and a couple of agents jumped out and tried to grab me. "Get back!!" Fowler said he went to swing at one of the men only to be punched in the gut. June grabbed me and tried to get me to run but i pulled away from her as i ran at the men and kicked one back into the car. One other tried to swing on me but missed as i ducked and punched him in the stomach as he fell back on the ground. My hands began to glow and the others retreated as the car sped off leaving one of them behind. He went to stand but Fowler stepped up to him and cuffed his hands as he pulled him up, "So your one of MECHs boys huh? Well we are gonna have a little talk back at HQ." he said shoving the man into the trunk of his car before shutting it.

We arrived back at base and Optimus walked over to where we were as he looked at me, "Are you ok?" he asked. I smiled, " im fine, but i am interested in interrogating this man." i said as Fowler drug the agent out of the trunk of the car. He was around 6'0" tall and looked to be around 175lbs. His dark brown hair was messed up as it fell in front of his emerald green eyes. He looked as if he had been through a war as i saw multiple scars from under his sleeves and where his shirt was torn. He looked at me a moment our eyes locked. I felt as if i had seen those green eyes before. I was suddenly snapped back to reality as Optimus walked up and wrapped his arms around me. I jumped a bit as i looked at him. He was looking at me a bit concerned, "Whats wrong?" he asked. I shook my head and smiled, "Nothing just thinking" i said before i turned and watched Fowler drag the man to a room for interrogation. I looked back at Optimus, "I need to hear this" i said before running off and bursting into the interrogation room. Fowler went to say something but Optimus walked in' "Its ok Fowler. Go ahead" he said standing near me. I looked at the man not being able to get those green eyes out of my head. "Where is MECH's base?" Fowler asked the man. He looked away closing his eyes as if letting Fowler know he wasn't talking. Fowler growled a bit as he slammed his fist on the table making me jump a bit, "Where is it you scum?!" he asked. The guy turned looking at the agent with those familiar green eyes as he narrowed them at him, "i cant tell you" he said calmly but he looked as if he was scared for some reason. Fowler snarled at the man, "you better tell us right now or so help me i will make your time here very uncomfortable" Fowler threatened. I flinched at his words feeling sorry for the man for some reason. Optimus could sense this and he looked at the man, "Why cant you tell us?" he asked his voice calm and soft. The man looked up at Optimus and i could swear i saw his eyes watering in the dim light of the room. "Silas has......he has my little sister..." he said before closing his eyes to keep the tears from falling as he grit his teeth. I felt my spark stop at what he said. Optimus flinched a bit as he looked at the man who continued his story, "...Silas told me he had grabbed her before our parents were killed in a house fire. He makes me do things and in turn he said my sister will be safe." he said pain in his voice. I felt my mouth drop but closed it quickly before i walked over to him. Fowler went to stop me but sat back down when i put my hand up. Optimus watched me carefully and the man cautiously. I knelt down and made the man look up at me as i gently put my hand under his chin. He opened his eyes his emerald green ones met my ocean blue ones. "What's her name?" i asked softly. He looked at me a moment before speaking, "her name is Kairi" he said softly. Optimus suddenly stiffened as did Fowler. I just looked at him a moment as if in shock before i jumped up and wrapped my arms around him hugging him tightly. He jumped a bit at my actions, "uhhhh...." he said a bit confused. Optimus spoke up, "It seems Silas has been lying to you." he said softly. The man looked at him then back to me confused. I looked up and smiled a bit tears in my eyes, "my names Kairi" i said happily. He looked at me confused, " If your Kairi whats our mothers name?" he asked. I looked at him, "Linda Marie Murphy" i said with a smile. His eyes widened in surprise as he quickly wrapped his arms around me burying his face into my shoulder, "Kairi.." he breathed as he hugged me. Fowler growled a bit, "Enough family reunion. Tell us where......" Fowler got cut short as Optimus put his hand on his shoulder. "We will ask him later. They need some time Fowler." he said sternly. Fowler went to protest but sighed as he got up and left the room. I held him close as i gently rubbed his back. Optimus smiled slightly as he left the room to leave us to our reunion as he went to go inform the others of what was going on. I pulled back and looked at him. Memories started flooding my mind that i had locked away after my parents had died. i smiled at him, "Xander.....i missed you" i said my voice slightly choked. Xander looked at me and smiled wiping my tears away, "I missed you to sis. I'm sorry i wasn't there to protect you" he said sadly. I shook my head, "Its ok. If you had been you may have....." i trailed off not wanting to finish. Xander shook his head, "Im just glad your ok Kairi." he said softly. He then thought a moment, "So who's the stiff with the blue eyes?" he asked casually his brotherly nature kicking in. I narrowed my eyes slightly, "You mean Optimus?" i asked. Xander tilted his head, "is he the alien robot that Silas had made a clone of?" I nodded, "Yea and tried to kill him to." I added. Xander looked at me, "I heard about that." he said arching a brow at me, "How is he human?" he asked. "He's in holoform. its not his true form" i answered as i watched my brother put it together in his head. "So why does he act all weird around you, like a boyfriend does a girlfriend." he asked. I smirked a bit, "thats because he IS my boyfriend." i said. Xander looked at me in shock, "Your dating a alien robot?!" he almost shouted. I glared at him, "Hey its my choice first of all and second of all i became one of them one day." i shot back. Xander looked at me shock and confusion clear on his face before he spoke again, "Well if the stiff hurts you he will answer to me" he snapped. I rolled my eyes, "Xander he has a name and i would appreciate it if you called him by it. And furthermore he would never hurt me!" i snapped back. Xander grumbled slightly, "im just saying, dudes like fourty feet tall" he said. I looked at him, "Xander you don't have to worry ok? He would never hurt me, trust me." i said softly as i stood and messed up his hair. "Come on. I'll introduce you to the others" i said softly. Xander sighed then smiled slightly as he got up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we headed out into the main hanger to meet with Optimus and the others.

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