Energon Keeper

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Chapter 22

I was walking around the base while Optimus, Bumblebee and Bulkhead were out on a mission. Ratchet had sent me to go get something from the storage room in the back of the base to try and get my mind off of worring so much, it wasnt working so well. I sighed as i finally found what he had sent me after. I didnt really know what it was only what it looked like, so i picked it up as i carried it back to the main room. I walked up to Ratchet as i handed him the object he asked for, "So whats it for?" i asked. He looked at me, "Its a signal jammer part. I need to repair ours quickly so the Decepticons dont lock onto our location." he said. I nodded, "You heard from Optimus?" i asked. He looked at me giving me a reassuring smile, "Kairi, Optimus is fine. It is just a routine mission for scouting out an energon cave." he said softly. I smiled my stomach still uneasy. It was then that my cell phone rang. I jumped a bit startled when it broke the silence. I took it out and looked at it. It was Jack. I opened it and answered it, "Jack? whats up?" i asked. The voice on the other end of the phone wasnt Jack. The voice sent chills down my spine as i clenched my fists. "Ahhh Mrs. Murphy, How are you today?" I growled, "Silas". He chuckled, "Im glad you remembered me, because i certainly remember you. I have a proposition for you. We have captured your friend Jack and his autobot friend Arcee. Tell your leader Optimus that if he wants them returned unharmed he is to meet me at the coordinates i sent you via text. I will be waiting." he said before hanging up. My hands started glowing as i looked at Ratchet. "Kairi what are you thinking about?" he asked. I looked at the message as i got the coordinates and looked at Ratchet, "Put these coordinates in now" i said giving them to him. "Kairi i dont think this is a good idea. Optimus will not like you going out on your own." I glared at Ratchet, "Ratchet i have to help Jack and Arcee. And Optimus and the others arnt back yet. I cant just sit here when Primus knows what Silas is doing to them!" i snapped. Ratchet sighed as he looked at me then the ground bridge came to life. "Be careful Kairi" he said as i ran through the bridge.


"Ratchet whats going on? Where is Kairi?" Optimus asked over the com link after he sensed her distress and anger through their connection. Ratchet hesitated a minute knowing the Prime would not like that he let his mate leave by herself. "She's....not here Optimus. Silas contacted her from Jack's cell phone saying they had him and Arcee and he wanted you to come meet them if you wanted them unharmed. Kairi insisted on going alone being that you and the others were not here." he said. Optimus clenched his fists before replying to his friend, "Bridge us back now" he said sternly. Ratchet sighed as he opened the ground bridge for them. Optimus was the first through followed by Bulkhead and then Bumblebee. He looked at Ratchet knowing how i was that he wouldnt have been able to keep me from going. "Im sorry Optimus." Ratchet said looking at him. Optimus looked at his old friend giving him a small smile, "Its ok old friend. I know how stubborn she is and i doubt you would have been able to stop her" he said. "So what do we do now boss?" Bulkhead asked walking up to them. "We wait." he said unwillingly. They all looked at him like he was crazy, "But Optimus she is by herself." Bulkhead argued. Optimus turned to the wrecker, "Bulkhead we know they wanted me to meet them. They will not be expecting Kairi and she is completely capable of handling herself." he said sternly. Bulkhead nodded regreting ever questioning his leaders decision. Though he was calm and collected outside, Optimus was extreamly concerned and feared for my saftey inside.

I arrived at the location and instantly i felt Optimus's emotions through our connection. I hesitated almost calling for a ground bridge home but i stopped myself. I had to save them. I snuck around the location as i saw a few military tents and a huge military building where i heard the most noise come from. I hid myslef amongst the trees as i peered inside the building. I saw Jack in a cage and Arcee chainned to the wall unconcious. I listened to the conversation going on between Silas and Jack. "Let us go Silas!" Jack said gritting his teeth not liking seeing Arcee so vulnerable. "Oh but we cant do that. We need your friend here to hekp us learn more about their anatomy and your just our little insurance policy to make sure she cooperates with us. Jack snarled glaring at the mad man as he gripped the bars of his cage, "Your a monster!!" he growled. Silas just laughed as he walked out of the room leaving two guards inside to watch them. I snuck around to the building as i made sure the area was clear. I quickly bolted into the building knocking out the two guards before they even knew what had happened. "Kairi?!" Jack said relieved to see someone he knew. I shot an energy ball at the cage's lock as it broke. Jack got out and ran over to Arcee, "Arcee!! Arcee wake up!!" he said worridly. Arcee groaned as she looked up, "Jack...?" she asked weakly. I transformed and broke her free helping her down. "Kairi?" she looked at me confused. "Can you walk Arcee?" i asked her concerned. She stood up weakly, "I think so.." she said. I looked to Jack, "Lets get out of here" i said quietly. Just then a group of Silas's henchmen and Silas rounded the corner. " Well well well, this was unexpected. I figured Optimus would have came but instead we got you Mrs. Murphy." he said smirking. I glared at him growling, "Your gonna wish it was Optimus that had came instead of me." i snapped. "Ratchet send a ground bridge south of our current location." i said in the come link. Just then the blue/green vortex appeared out of the wall behind us. "Arcee, Jack go!!" i shouted. Jack hesitated but Arcee picked him up as she walked through the bridge weakly. Silas growled, "Dont let her escape!!" they fired at me as i dodged the attacks firing my own energy balls at them. I then transformed as i stood their height now glaring at them. I turned to run through the bridge before it closed as Silas shot at me hitting me in the back of my right shoulder. I cried out in pain before i hit the ground in the base just before the bridge closed. Optimus groaned as he felt my injury. Ratchet transformed and quickly ran and picked me up and carried me to the med bay. Optimus transformed and met him there as he stood looking at me trying his best to ignore the pain in his own shoulder. The others checked on Arcee while Ratchet looked at my injury. I sat up my eyes closed as Ratchet worked on my wound. I felt Optimus sit beside me as he took my hand holding it. I winced tightening my grip on Optimus's hand as Ratchet dug the bullet out of my shoulder. Optimus grit his teeth feeling my pain but he continued to keep it in control not wanting me to get upset. Once Ratchet cleaned my wound he wrapped me up after stitching me up. After he finished i leaned against Optimus while Ratchet went to check on Arcee. Optimus pulled me close, "I'm sorry Optimus....I should have waited on you to come back." i said. He held me tight resting his chin on my shoulder, "It's ok Kairi. You did what you had to. I'm just glad your safe" he whispered. He stood up and picked me up bridal style as he carried me to his truck form. He climbed in and laid me down carefully on the bed before driving towards his quarters. Once there he went to the back of the cab and sat beside me. I curled up to him wrapping my arm around his middle as i pulled myself closer to him. He stroked my hair softly as the pain in his shoulder started to dull a bit but it was still there, almost a throbbing pain. He settled himself down beside me wrapping his arm around my middle as he held me as he continued to stroke my hair and face. I looked at him, "I love you" i said softly before i began to drift to sleep. He smiled as he leaned down kissing my cheek softly, "I love you to" he said before he fell asleep beside me.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now