Energon Keeper

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Chapter 17

It had been a week since my transformation and everyone excpet the Jack and the others knew about it. I stayed in my human form most of the time being the form im the most used to. I only was in my bot form when me and Optimus had some alone time together. I looked around the base walking around wearing some cut off shorts and a tank top. My dark brown hair swayed as i walked over to see what Optimus and the others were doing. He must have heard me walk up because he looked up at me and smiled softly. I stood next to his leg looking up at everyone, "Whats with the secret meeting?" i said looking at each one curiously. They looked at me then to Optimus before they walked away acting like they didnt know what i was talking about. I turned looking at Optimus, "What was that all about? I know im not crazy, what were yall talking about?" i asked turning to him putting my hands on my hips. He gave me a smile which made my spark melt as it vibrated beneath my chest. When he spoke his deep voice sent chills down my spine. "It is a surprise Kairi" he said softly as he looked at me. He knew i didnt really like surprises but that didnt keep him from doing it. "Optimus, you know i dont like surprises" i said making a pouty face hoping he would tell me anyway. He looked at me and he knew it was going to be hard to keep this secret from me. He just had to fight back the urge to give in to me as he lowered himself to my human level placing a finger under my chin, "Im not telling you Kairi" he said before standing back up. I sighed, he was getting better at ignoring my attempts at getting him to do what i wanted. He transformed into his truck form and let his holoform out of the drivers seat as he walked over to me wrapping his arms around me. "You are going to love it, trust me" he said kissing my forehead I turned around in his arms so that i was facing him. I leaned up kissing him on his lips softly before leaning back looking into his blue eyes. I wrapped my arms around his back as i slipped my hands underneath his shirt softly runnign my fingers across his back. I felt him tense up a bit before relaxing as he shivered from my touch. "Please?" i begged softly tryng to get him to tell me what the surprise was. I could tell it was hard for him to fight the urge to tell me. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he held me close looking into my eyes. Suddenly he started tickling my sides as i squirmed trying to get free of hsi grip, "Hahahaha...ok.......ok...ok i wont ask again...Optimus!!!" i said in between laughs. He stopped and looked at me smiling. I looked at him still trying to catch my breath, "That was so not funny" i said trying not to smile. He grinned at me, "I thought it was very funny" he said sitting me back down. I smiled back at him not being able to attempt to stay mad at him. I finally gave up and looked at him as i leaned agaisnt his chest, "So when do i get this surprise?" i asked him. He kissed my forehead again, "Soon my dear" he said as he held my hand and walked over to his truck form, "Right now lets go for a ride" he said as he opened the passenger side door helping me up into the cab. Once i sat in the passenger seat he shut the door and went around to the drivers side as he opened the door and sat down in the drivers seat closing the drivers side door as he started his engine. I looked at him as i rested my head against the headrest. He drove out of the base and headed into town.

Once we arrived into town i looked around seeing us park next to a store. I looked at him, "Why are we stopping?" i asked him looking at him curiously. He turned and smiled looking at me, "You really dont know what today is do you?" he asked me. I thought a moment wondering what was so special about today. "No not really" i said still curious as to what he was talking about. He chuckled a bit as he got out of the drivers side, "Stay here" he said as he went inside the store. I watched him and sat back in the seat trying to recall what today was. He was gone for only about ten minutes but it felt like hours. I guess i had fallen asleep because when he opend the door and got it i jumped looking around. "I wasnt gone that long" he said with a chuckle. He had a small bag in his hands but it was to dark to see what was inside. "Whats that?" i asked trying to see what was inside. He put it on the others side of him hiding it from me, "You will find out later" he said as he began to back out of the parking spot. He continued to drive around as if he was wasting time on purpose. I got up and went to the back of the cab and laid down on the bed snuggling against the soft pillow and blanket. Optimus watched me lay down as a smile crept across his face. He continued driving as the smooth ride made me fall fast asleep.

I woke up and looked around. Apparently we had stopped and i looked around. We were back inside the base. I didnt see Optimus's holoform around as i sat up. It was then i noticed a small wrapped box sitting next to my arm. I picked it up and looked at the note attached to it. 'This is for you my dear, Join us in the training room for your surprise' it said. I opend the box and inside it was a stainless steel autobot symbol necklace. I took it out looking at it as a smile came across my face. I slipped it on as it rested right above my chest. I got up and walked to teh front of the cab opening teh door as i got out. I saw everyone elses vehicle modes around but it was like they werent there. I figured they were all in their holoforms as well. I looked down at my necklace as i walked towards the training room. As soon as i turned the corner i heard everybody say, "Surprise!!! Happy Birthday Kairi!!". My face instantly went red as i began blushing. Optimus walked over to me wrapping his arms around me as he led me to a small table in the middle of the room that everyone was gathered around. There was a small cake in the middle of it that said 'Happy Birhtday Kairi' in the middle of it. Tears welled in my eyes as i leaned agaisnt Optimus's chest. "I forgot about my birthday." i said sotfly as i fought back the tears of joy. "I told you you would like this surprise" he said as he hugged me close. The others were just smiling as they all held small boxes. "We all got you something Kairi!" I heard Bulkheads voice come from a heavy seat guy with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. A blond haired blue eyed boy smiled at me holding a small box as well. That had to be Bumblebee. A slim woman with blue hair and bright blue eyes smiled holding her own box, "I hope you like what i got you" she said softly. Ratchets holoform even gave me a smile holding a present as well. I got Bulkheads presant first as i opened it. It was a Rock and Roll music CD. I smiled, "Thanks Bulk" i said softly, "Miko helped me pick it out." he said smiling. I giggled thinking, 'sounds like Miko'. Bumblebee gave me his gift next. I opened it to revel a new racing video game. "Aww Bee you know me so well" i said with a smile. He just grinned at me. Bee reminded me of the brother i never had. Arcee walked over and handed me her gift. I opened it and looked at it smiling. It was a beautiful picture frame with an autobot symbol in the top cornor of the frame. "Aww Arcee I love it" i said smiling at her. She smiled back and walked over to stand next to Bee and Bulk. Ratchet looked up and walked over handing me a small box. "Happy Birthday Kairi" he said with a small smile. I opened the box and looked inside it. There was a blue and red watch inside it. I took it out and put it on looking at it. "This is nice Ratchet, Thank you" i said looking at him. "It is a invention of mine. It has a built in comm link so you can comunicate with us when your not here, as well as a gps to help you find where your going. It also has a few other things i added into it just for you." I smiled as i gave him a hug. "Thanks Ratchet." i said as i pulled back. I went and gave everyone else a hug as well and then turned looking at Optimus. He smiled at me as he held his hand out and i took it as he led me back into the main room. "Thank you for that. I cant believe i forgot my own birthday" i said leaning into him as we walked back to his truck form. "I told you you would like it" he said kissing the top of my head. As we walked over to the truck i pushed him against the door standing infront of him as i looked down at the necklace. "I love this presant most of all. Yet i dont know who to thank for it" i said looking at him with a smirk. He smiled a bit looking at me, "You know its me Kairi" he said. I leaned forward my lips just inches from his, "Then i guess i should thank you then" I said. I felt him shiver as my lips brushed against his my breath tickling the skin near his lips. He watched me closely, "Guess so" he almost whispered as our lips finally touched. Both our sparks vibrated with joy was we kissed. We both were instantly relaxed as we leaned into each other. I pulled back and looked at him. "I love you Optimus" i said softly. He looked back, "I love you to Kairi" he said softly ad he lifted me up. He opened the door and carried me into the back of the cab laying me down on the bed. He lay beside me proped up with one arm as he brushed my hair behind my ears. We laid like that the rest of teh night until we both fell fast asleep.

Energon KeeperWhere stories live. Discover now