
More and more tears kept flowing and you couldn't seem to stop them. You knew he didn't mean to hit you like that, but it hurt you emotionally and physically. You stood up and walked into your room then over to your bed. You got underneath the covers not bothering to change as you sniffled. Your eyes grew heavy and you fell asleep after a few more tears fell.


Fox stared into the glass in front of him lifelessly. He didn't mean to hit you like that, he was blinded by anger. He grabbed the glass and drank the rest of the alcoholic beverage as Commander Thorn sat next to him. Fox placed the now empty glass down and placed his head in his hands.

"I messed up, vod." He said, emotionless.

Thorn placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Thorn asked cautiously.

"Me and (Y/n), we had a fight, then it escalated quickly and...and...." Fox's voice trailed off.

"And what?"

He didn't want to say what happened, only to cause himself more pain. He deserved that hit, not you.

"I...I accidentally hit her." Fox let out a quiet sob and let a tear fall.

Thorn widened his eyes at what he'd just heard.

"I swear I didn't mean to!" Fox nearly shouted, letting out another sob and cried.

Thorn stayed silent as he thought of what to say.

"I'm no expert, but I think you should apologize to her." He suggested.

Fox sniffled and wiped his eyes, looking up at his brother.

"I-I can't. She probably doesn't want to see me." He said.

"C'mon, at least try to." Thorn pressed.

Fox thought about it for a moment before standing up.

"You're right, I should at least try, even if she doesn't accept it." He said before walking out of the bar.


You woke up from your short nap and heard someone knocking at your door. You sat up and rubbed your eyes before stretching. You stood up and walked over to see who was behind the door, hoping it's not who you think it is. You slowly opened the door to reveal none other than Fox, the last person you wanted to see. His face held a sad and guilty expression as he gave you a bouquet of red (f/f). You carefully accepted them as he brought up a hand to your face. You looked away which caused him to quickly withdraw his hand.

"Cyare..." He spoke.

Your lips slightly trembled as tears welled up in your eyes.

"Cyar'ika, I'm so sorry for what I did." He said, sadness evident in his voice.

You gained the courage to look at him and let a tear fall.

He continued, "I was so angry I just couldn't control myself. I didn't mean to hit you, if anything I should've been the one to receive the hit."

He brought up his hand like before and you didn't look away this time. He gently placed his hand on your cheek and brushed a tear away with his thumb as you leaned into his touch.

"I completely understand if you want to end the relationship but just know that I never meant to hurt you." He whispered but you heard it.

He retracted his hand and started to walk away but you grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He turned back to you with a hopeful glint in his eyes. You started to walk back into your apartment with your hand still holding his wrist. As soon as he was past the door, you closed it and hugged him after placing the flowers in a nearby vase. He hugged back and you buried your face into his chest, thankful he was wearing normal clothes. After a few minutes, you pulled away and looked up into his eyes.

"Hold me, please?" You asked quietly.

"Of course, love." He instantly accepted.

He lead you over to your couch and laid down on it, holding out his arms. You got on top of him and laid your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You listened to his steady heartbeat as he gently kissed your head.

As much as you hated fighting with him, you really loved it when he makes up with you.

I am so, so sorry for what I made him do to you. I swear I didn't want it either.

I was this 👌close to straight up deleting this oneshot. Seriously, I was.

But I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/afternoon/evening/night, y'all!

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