Chapter 8 - Chaos and Peace

Start from the beginning

"Don't say that. Don't talk like him!"

Nanon's POV:

"It's like I am living with a kid. It's so hard to deal with him on daily basis. A rich spoilt brat. That's what he is." I blabbered agitated.

"I am listening to this for the Nth time. Can you stop complaining for once? The other day he saved your head. Remember?" Jimmy said.

"So what? After that he made me count that so many times. 'I saved your head, you should be thankful'. This sentence I have heard over and over whole week."

"Ok that's wrong maybe, but ignore him. You had said that you will be minding your own business, so now what happened?" Jimmy said.

"He won't let me be myself. It's been a week only but I am so done with him. He tries to barge into my room, I always have to be on my guard to not let him in. Why does he need to see my personal belongings? He tries to eat my food too. I have hard time protecting my stuff from him. And he is so untidy. Won't leave his shoes outside. I had to buy him slippers, you know? He gathers his unwashed clothes and sends it to laundry and till that time those clothes are piled up in the corner Yukk! He never helps me clean the house. And if I say anything, he will call maids to do it."

"Non, not everyone has OCD like you do." Jimmy patted my shoulder.

"I know, I don't expect him to be like me, but at least he can be human? The place is always messy with him around. He won't pick up his papers and files, he won't even shower unless he wants to go somewhere."

"As I said, you need to mind your own business my friend."

"How do I mind my business when he brays like a donkey on top of his voice every evening thinking he has a melodious voice. If only he can take out the earphones and listen to himself once. It's hard to be at peace in that house with that man."

Jimmy chuckled.


"You sound like an annoyed wife right now."

"Shut up! I am leaving. No matter how much I try to escape, I have to go back to my room at night. It's already late. See you tomorrow bud."

I waved him good bye and left for my new home.

When I reached there I saw Ohm's shoes outside.

"The Ape is back!" I muttered while opening the door. Before I could get in I heard a loud scream. I ran in the direction of his room when he came out running in a towel, covered in soap all over his body.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"L-lizard. There is a lizard in the bathroom."


"I am scared of lizard, you idiot. Do something." He panicked.

Hahahahaha. This is hilarious. Ape is scared of Lizard! Let me have some fun.

"You know there is a way to deal with lizards."

"Then deal with it." He said almost begging.

"Come I'll teach you." I said.

"Why? You go deal with it. Quick. P-please."

"Uhm, if you don't want to learn then fine. I'll go sleep in my room."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Tell me, tell me now." he held my hand and pleaded.

Yes! Let the fun begin.

"Let's go near to it." We walked till his bathroom. "Now go near the wall."

"What? I told you I am scared."

"Trust me. Just go near it."

"O-ok." He said nervously and slowly went near the wall where the lizard was on top.

"Now greet the lizard."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No I am serious. Just greet it."

He looked at me skeptically before giving in.

"Hi – Hi Lizard"

"Call it nicely."

"Hi d-dear lizard"

It's hard to control my laughter right now. But this is too funny.

"Now ask it to bless you."


"Go ahead, ask nicely."

"Bless me oh my dear lizard." He then looked at me. I was maintaining my poker face as best as I could. "Why isn't it moving still?"

"You will have to make the noise it makes."

"What noise?"

"The sound of Sssssss. Make that noise and request nicely to get out of the bathroom."

He eyed me but I made a convincing face and gestured him to continue.

"Ok-ok. Sssssss Dear Lizard. Sssssss Bless me. Ssssss Please let me bath. Ssssss Please leave the bathroom." He went on.

That's it I could not control anymore and burst out laughing.

"You – You tricked me..." He ran after me and I ran out of his room. He chased me till the lawn and I found the water hose pipe. I grabbed it and instantly started pouring water over him.

"You bloody jackass. You tricked me huh?" he still kept chasing me after being continuously drenched, and I was dodging him.

"You learnt to talk to a lizard, thank me instead." I teased laughing and pouring water on him.

"Let me tech you a few things too, come here you rat."

"Haven't you heard? It's hard to catch rats, you will lose your towel if you try to run so fast. Besides I am helping you bath." I kept teasing while he held his towel and tightened its grip while running.

"Let me thank you nicely hah?" He was laughing too.

"Just give up, will you. You lost today anyway." I teased him laughing.

"I never lose. Just wait and watch----- ah!"

Ohm's POV:

We fell, again. This time we were in the garden of the house. And we both were drenched due to the water from hose pipe falling on top of us. This time, I was on the ground and he was above me. And we were laughing hard still. I made a fool of myself back then. But looking at him laugh now, I guess it's worth it. I saw this smile after so long. His dimples are so cute from near. He is laughing hard with his eyes closed. But then he slowly calmed down and his eyes met mine.

"S-sorry" he abruptly realized and got up. Then he gave me his hand to get up. I made sure to wrap my towel tightly before getting up. Last thing I want is a free show of myself out here. We smiled at each other while looking at the hand we were holding and slowly let go.

"You tricked me today. Wait till I get back to you." I said smirking.

"Be my guest. But I am sorry." He said still smiling. I couldn't help but smile back the entire time. "Go get changed or you will catch cold. I'll get rid of the lizard for you later."

"How will you do that? You know how to Ssssss?"

"Hahahahaha. Yeah I know. Just go and get changed first." He said.

I have never seen him so warmed up with me before. It's different. It's nice. I maybe drenched and in the open. But I am feeling warm inside. It's good that he asked me to go in to change because I had this sudden urge to pinch his cheeks back there.

This was the first time we both laughed and played together. It was... cozy. It was like home.

Nanon's POV:

He is really like a kid. I don't wish to admit but the way he was today, I found it somewhat adorable. When my eyes met his, I felt something tingly within. So I asked him to got to his room as soon as possible. The atmosphere back there in the lawn felt a bit... cozy. It was like home.

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