CHAPTER 34: Jiraiya's Knowledge - Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters in Naruto or Naruto Shippuden. All rights belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

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"Human Talking"

Human Thoughts


"Tailed Beast/Summoning animal Talking"

Tailed Beast/Summoning animal Thoughts


Jiraiya's Knowledge

(In The Woods...)

"Uhhh... I guess I went overboard..." Naruto told himself as he kept on watching the surrounding trees burn with a blank look on his face like he was still processing what's going on.

"OH SHIT.... I WENT OVERBOARD..." Naruto suddenly shouted when his dumb brain completed processing the information.

The blond quickly took hold of a large and thick leaf from nearby tree and tried to extinguish the fire with his best efforts, but the fire was going out of control. Soon he realized that the entire forest covering one part of the Leaf Village border will be lost if the fire keeps on going like this.

"OH MY GOD... OH MY GOD... OH MY GOD..." Naruto kept on shouting while trying to control the fire with the large green leaf in hand. At one point Naruto thought of punching the ground below the forest to create a massive shock wave with enough shear force to eliminate the fire, but he decided against it as the resulting shock wave will also decimate the forest trees, and he was trying to save the trees not decimate them.

"I wish it rains now, so that the fire can be extinguished..." Naruto said to no one particular. As soon as he uttered those words, dark clouds gathered in the sky above that forested area and started raining.


(A Little Distance Away... On A Large Tree Overlooking This incident...)

"So, she does listen to him..." a presence who was seated on the branch of the tree told the other presence beside it as a statement.

"He is her child after all... Can mothers neglect their children when they need help...?" the second presence said rhetorically.

"It's a good thing then. We don't need to interfere now." The first presence said. They were prepared to stop the fire if it went out of control.

"Yes, it seems so." The second presence agreed. With their mission already being successful, which was to save the poisoned Chunin, both presences left without making any disturbance.


"Thanks for whoever it is that heard..." Naruto shouted back at the raining sky after watching the last bits of the fire getting quenched by rain. Only a few trees were singed slightly as the rain quenched the fire before it can take form of a disaster. The blond kid vowed to take care of the trees that were singed until they can properly heal.

"Well... That old man was not lying when he mentioned in the scroll to practice the jutsu only on top of an Ocean, River or any large body of water..." Naruto again mumbled to himself scratching his head looking at the aftermath. He made a mental note to follow the instructions given by the Jutsu inventor or 'Uchiha Old Man' (as the blond liked to refer the person), whenever he tried to practice the new jutsu.

Then the blond kid saw Eevee approaching him along with Hokage and his elite anbu squad. He lifted his hand to greet his surrogate grandfather and said, "Yo..."

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