CHAPTER 18: Sealing Success..! - Part 3

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Both of the boys groaned miserably in pain and rolled their bodies so that they are now laying on their backs. When they opened their eyes they didn't like what they saw, a very irritated and angered Temari with a face full of rage.

"Hello sis..." Kankuro greeted hoping that his sister will cool down.

"Uh... Hello... I'm Naruto... What's your name..?" Naruto greeted like he just realized Temari was there too.

Temari exhaled fiercely and replied, "Temari..."

"Hi Temari..." Naruto started awkwardly and continued to say after a few seconds, "Can you help us up..?" Kankuro also groaned something that sounded like he was agreeing with Naruto's words.

Temari sighed and helped Kankuro up first and then she reached out to help Naruto too. But when she grabbed his hand, something happened again..!

When she touched Naruto she felt a tingling sensation, like a very low powered shock. She felt it before too. She felt it for the first time when Naruto grabbed her hand for the first time in Kazekage tower to help her stand and also again when she grabbed his hand to drag him here. But she didn't pay attention to it because the first time it happened she was still in shock to see someone younger than her lifting her mother's fan and the second time it happened she was in too much anger that Naruto lifted her mother's war fan so easily.

But now that she is actually paying attention to the tingling sensation, it felt warm and welcoming. It made her feel like she has butterflies in her stomach.

"Uhh.. Hello..?" Naruto questioned because Temari just kept staring towards their joined hands and didn't help him stand for more than 30 seconds.

Temari was jolted out of her thoughts and shook her head. She then helped Naruto to stand. Kankuro was watching the whole show and a grin that almost split his face in two formed on his face. He felt like he just found a teasing material to be used on his sister, but suppressed a giggle that almost broke out because he does not want to face his sister's wrath now.

May be later. He thought with a shit eating grin.

"OK... Now let's fight...!" Temari shouted and immediately went on offensive on the blond boy. She did this to ignore that strange feeling.

Kankuro moved some distance away to give them both some space for their spar.

Naruto was neither attacking nor he was counter attacking. He was just avoiding punches and kicks that she was throwing ferociously.

"So to end the fight one of us must fall down right..?" Naruto asked not even panting, which angered Temari even more.

"YES.." she shouted in rage and over extended herself with her right hand punch. Naruto caught her fist with his left hand and dragged her towards himself while simultaneously swiping her legs with his left leg. Temari was about to fall down, but Naruto caught her by her waist with his right hand before she could and held her like that with her right hand still enclosed in his left hand. Kankuro noticed that Temari's face turned red and he didn't know whether she is blushing or she is angry.

"I win..." He said and then steadied her and released the hold thinking the fight was over. He turned towards Kankuro to say something but the terrifying expression on Kankuro's face made him look back.

"I said the fight is over when someone falls down. Since I did not fall down, this fight is still on..!" Temari shouted with a red face and ran towards Naruto drawing her battle fan and revealing the first moon.

Oh shit...! She is about to use the Fan's Wind Style Ninjutsu... Kankuro thought frantically and jumped away so as not to get caught in the slicing winds.

Temari in a fit of rage broke her own rules of the spar and released wave of slicing winds towards the blond boy. The winds started approaching the blond aggressively whose face gained a look of concentration like he was ready.

Temari realized her mistake and frantically shouted for the blond to jump away. But what she didn't expect was for very large bird to come down and use its massive wings around Naruto as a shield. She and Kankuro couldn't see the bird clearly as the wind caused sand to blow up and block their vision. As the dust settled she saw Naruto standing there like nothing happened at all and a very large Bald Eagle standing firmly on his extended hand. The bird made sure that its talons wouldn't hurt Naruto.

Even though the Bald Eagles are common in deserts, Temari was sure that it was not the bird that actually protected Naruto. She thought Naruto may have used some type of summoning animal to protect himself. Anyway he was safe, so she released a sigh and approached the blond.

"So you came to see how I was..?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah... Sorry I got carr..." Temari wasn't able to complete as Naruto interrupted her by saying, "I wasn't talking to you..."

Naruto then turned his attention back to the Bald Eagle which is still standing on his extended hand. The eagle made some screeching noises.

Naruto nodded towards the eagle with a smile. "Thank you friend..." Naruto said and the eagle gently left his hand and flew away.

Temari got wide eyed, "YOU CAN TALK TO BIRDS..?" she shouted.


(A little far away from the kids...)

"Are you sure that your interference is needed in a spar..? The child can handle himself very well against that Wind Jutsu judging from the lack of shock or surprise on his face." a presence asked another one while both these presences kept watching the three kids.

"That child is too kind for his own good. Can't take chances with the future of Mother Nature." The second presence replied.

"Well its a good thing that one of Mother Nature's children came to help us by hiding our involvement." The first presence said again referring to the Bald Eagle. The second presence nodded his head and then both vanished from the area without leaving any kind of proof that they were present there in the first place.


Author's Notes:

Stay tuned for more interesting interactions...

You can check the CowBoy Music I mentioned by typing the link i mentioned in your web browser or simply search for "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Main Theme" on Youtube.

This was my first ever fan fiction. Please rate the story and leave your valuable opinions in reviews. Next chapter will be coming soon, Dattebayo.

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