CHAPTER 27: Birth of A New Rivalry - Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters in Naruto or Naruto Shippuden. All rights belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

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"Human Talking"

Human Thoughts


"Tailed Beast/Summoning animal Talking"

Tailed Beast/Summoning animal Thoughts


Birth of A New Rivalry

After the weapons throwing test was finished in the Ninja Academy, Iruka and Mizuki decided to move the location of the next test to another field as this field had to be repaired for the damage it sustained.

"The next round would be a one on one hand to hand combat... No use of any kind of Jutsu if you know them.... Its purely a Taijutsu test..." Iruka explained.

After getting nods of understanding from the assembled class, Iruka nodded at Mizuki to start calling.

"Kiba Inuzuka and Choji Akimichi... please take your position in this ring..." Mizuki called pointing to a circle of space drawn on the ground.

"The first one to either fall down or to be out of the ring loses..." Mizuki explained when the two kids made it inside the ring.

When the two kids nodded at him Mizuki announced, "Begin..."

"Come at me... Fatso..." Kiba called out, trying to get the chubby kid riled up.

As soon as the word 'Fatso' hit the ears of Shikamaru, he sat up from his resting position so fast that Naruto thought he would hurt is back.

"Oh no... Don't tell me Kiba just called Choji that...." Shikamaru asked in panic.

"Huh...?" was Naruto's intelligent reply and Eevee who was sitting on its hind legs on the right side of Naruto, just tilted her head in confusion not understanding why the pineapple haired kid is in panic.

"What did you just call me...?" Came the voice of Choji whose eyes were shadowed as he lowered his head a little making it impossible to see his eyes.

"I said... Come at me... Fatso..." Kiba repeated being sure of his victory.

What Kiba didn't expect was for Choji to suddenly appear in front of him and slam his fist so hard in his gut that he would fly out of the ring.

Pin drop silence filled the training grounds as all of those assembled there were not expecting the chubby kid to be that fast. The silence was immediately broken when Kiba fell with his back hitting the ground so hard and he had a painful expression on his face as he was holding his stomach.

Was his dad wrong about him being too kind...? Iruka couldn't help but think with a sweat drop forming at the back of his head.

Mizuki just stood there with his mouth hung open after seeing what just happened. Choji quickly realized that he went too far and immediately approached Kiba and offered him a hand, "Sorry Kiba, that word kinda ticks me off...." When Kiba didn't accept his hand and kept on looking angrily at him, Choji continued again with an awkward smile while scratching neck with his other hand, "How about, all of us have dinner at my family restaurant this Saturday...?"

"Like for Real...?" Mizuki snorted.

"Saturday and Sunday..." Kiba bargained and completely ignored the shout of Seriously? Coming from Mizuki.

"Deal..." Choji accepted, and in turn Kiba accepted his hand and stood up while nursing his gut. Both kids then went back to their positions all the while ignoring the dumb founded look on both of their senseis.

Naruto patted his friend Kiba on the shoulder and said, "Nicely done... You've got us a free party this weekend...!" To which Kiba just gave a two fingered salute and said, "I know I'm awesome..."

Mizuki recovered first and cleared his throat to get the bickering students attention and called, "Shino Aburame and Shikamaru Nara... Please come..."

This should be interesting... Both of them are supposed to be geniuses when it comes to tactics... was the thought running across Iruka's mind as both kids entered the ring.

Three minutes have passed after Mizuki said Begin, but none of them moved a muscle. Shikamaru has a bored expression on his face and Shino's expression is not visible as he was wearing sunglasses and high collared coat.

"I give up..."

Absolute silence... The entire class was baffled along with both senseis as Shino was the one who said that whereas Shikamaru just raised an eyebrow.

"WHAT...?" Mizuki said.

"Most of my techniques are based on using my bugs even in Taijutsu. So considering that it could be a type of Ninjutsu, logically seeing I can't defeat Shikamaru as I am now..." Shino admitted. Iruka nodded in understanding at seeing how logical Shino is.

"Ok so the winne..." Mizuki was about to announce the winner but...

"I give up too..." all of those present there turned towards the source of the voice and found Shikamaru.

Crickets could be heard chirping in the back ground as Shikamaru just gave a yawn and said, "Like Shino, most of my techniques are based on my shadow Ninjutsu, so even I Can't defeat Shino as I am now... So, I give up too..."

This Kid has no motivation at all... Iruka thought with a twitching eye as he saw both geniuses going back to their position among the crowd.

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