CHAPTER 18: Sealing Success..! - Part 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters in Naruto or Naruto Shippuden. All rights belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

"Human Talking"

Human Thoughts


"Tailed Beast/Summoning animal Talking"

Tailed Beast/Summoning animal Thoughts


Sealing Success..!

Temari and Naruto stood facing each other in the desert training ground that was the favoring terrain of sand ninjas.

Temari's hands were at her sides ready to draw out the kunai from her hip pouches on both sides. Naruto's hands were at his sides too, but he didn't have any weapon holsters. From the view of Temari's left hand side which was ready to throw kunai from the pouches, Naruto can be seen standing 20 feet away. The same with Temari, as she can be seen from Naruto's right hand side view. In the background a western style cowboy music can be heard. The same music, that's usually played in the background when two enemies are facing off. [like this one from youtube:] And also for every 30 seconds a random grass bundle can be seen rolling on the ground between Naruto and Temari.

"Ok... Now listen to me kid... The fight will end when one of us falls on the ground... Only Taijutsu is allowed... Any doubts before we start..?" Temari asked, hands still twitching like she will throw kunai any time.

Naruto raised his hand like he was a kid in school with a doubt. Temari sighed and nodded at him to ask.

"Uhhh... This music, that I'm hearing right now... Where is it coming from...?" Naruto asked, with his face scrunched in confusion.

The music stopped suddenly and both Naruto and Temari turned towards Kankuro, who was for some reason wearing a cowboy hat and a fake cigar in his mouth. Kankuro removed his hand from the pause button of the music player and removed the cigar from his mouth with his left hand and made some motion like he was getting rid of the ashes from the cigar and said, "Sorry... I thought it would set up the mood for your fight..." Then he put the cigar back in his mouth.

Temari was about to shout, but Naruto interrupted her, "What about this..?" He asked pointing to another grass bundle that was rolling on the ground.

Kankuro shrugged in a very cowboy like manner and said, "The same reason... To set up the mood for your duel..." Then he played the music again.

Temari was fuming at the stupidity of her brother. She was drawing her fan out to bonk him on the head but was stopped in her tracks when she heard Naruto's next words to Kankuro.

"That music is from the movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...isn't it?" Naruto asked excitedly as he approached Kankuro. Temari didn't know whom to hit first on their head, her brother who was being a stupid or Naruto who was going along with that stupidity.

"Yes dude... You have seen that movie..?" Kankuro asked with a surprised expression.

"Yes... Clint Eastwood is a legendary Cowboy isn't he..?" Naruto replied with a cowboy hat and a fake cigar in his mouth too. Temari can't understand how Naruto got those all of a sudden.

"Have you seen A Fist Full of Dollars..?" Kankuro asked excited to know someone else shared his likes.

"Get three coffins ready." Naruto said repeating a line from the movie that Kankuro mentioned still maintaining the cigar in his mouth.

"When a man with .45 meets a man with a rifle, you said, the man with a pistol's a dead man. Let's see if that's true." Kankuro said with a grin as he extended hand for Naruto to shake.

"My Mistake. Four Coffins." Naruto replied with a proud smile and shook Kankuro's hand firmly.

Temari couldn't help but shout, "WHAT THE HELL...?"


(Kazekage Tower...)

Rasa seemed to hear his daughter's shout as he turned his head towards the direction of the training grounds where he was sure his eldest children and Naruto are. He just smiled knowing how competitive his elder daughter can be and turned his head back to focus on the task at hand.

Rasa was trying hard to focus all his chakra in suppressing Shukaku as Jiraiya was in the process of sealing the Tailed beast into Gaara. Jiraiya explained to him that it would need two Kage level Shinobi to perform the sealing. One Shinobi will do the sealing process while the other will try to suppress the beast, preventing it from escaping while the sealing process is going on.

Rasa had his right hand placed on the Tea Kettle, in which Shukaku is imprisoned for now and the left hand on the seal that Jiraiya drew on the stomach of Gaara. He was suppressing Shukaku's chakra that is exiting from the Tea Kettle and also the chakra that is entering Gaara through the seal at the same time.

Beads of sweat started to slowly drop down from the temples of Jiraiya as he concentrated his chakra on the Four Symbols Seal technique he was performing. It was a predecessor for the Eight Trigrams Seal, which is the strongest sealing method in existence. But since Shukaku is the weakest of Tailed beasts, Four Symbols Seal is more than enough to contain Shukaku and at the same time allow the user to access the chakra of the said beast with the right training.

Gaara can be seen laying unconsciously on a ceremonial altar that was summoned by Jiraiya. The ceremonial altar was surrounded by four lit candles that are placed around it in a diamond formation.

It was Jiraiya's idea to keep Gaara unconscious, so as to avoid him experiencing the chakra strain from the forceful inclusion of the beast's chakra. He was surprised when sand came to Gaara's defense automatically when he was about to give Gaara a very powerful anesthesia. Rasa explained Jiraiya that it was Karura's bloodline that Gaara inherited. Gaara willed his sand to allow Jiraiya to give him the anesthesia.

Rasa's control almost slipped in suppressing Shukaku when its chakra coming from the Tea Kettle became too potent to handle. But he forcefully asserted more control by pouring more chakra on to the Tea kettle and Gaara's body and successfully suppressed the beast's chakra again. He suspected that he may exhaust almost all of his chakra by the end of the sealing process. But in his mind that will be just a minor inconvenience at best.

Jiraiya let a small smile to grace his face when the process was almost complete. He was also using up most of his chakra to power the sealing process and that will get him exhausted for some time like Rasa.

"NOOOOOOO... NOT AGAIN....." came the muffled shout of Shukaku as its last bits of chakra along with its essence were dragged from the Tea Kettle and into Gaara.

"Well...(pant) the sealing process...(pant) is complete....(pant)" Jiraiya said wiping the sweat on his forehead panting heavily.

"That's...(pant) good to hear...(pant)" Rasa replied panting as well.

Rasa took Gaara out of the altar and laid him on a bed in the room and then collapsed on the chair next to the bed. Exhaustion caught up to him and he fell asleep with his head on the bed.

Jiraiya stood up and dismissed the altar and went to the nearest couch and collapsed on it, falling asleep immediately.

Just a few moments later, "Is it over..?" Karura asked opening the door to the room. Two loud snores were her only answer. She chuckled to herself and closed the door to let the three males in the room to have some well deserved sleep.

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