CHAPTER 31: Aftermath - Part 2

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"No... They took me in because they were the first to find out that I had awoken my Sharingan as early as Shisui Uchiha and thought that I could also become a genius like him." She took a pause to release a tired sigh and then continued again, "They wanted a possible future genius like me to be under the name of the Uchiha clan only. That's why they took me in and suppressed all the information about me awakening my Sharingan early to cover up their real agenda behind suddenly taking me in after a long time from my mother's banishment from the Clan district." She then chuckled to herself and said, "It almost makes me laugh at remembering how naive I used to be back then when I was still a child to think that I still had people to take care of me..."

"If they had took you into the clan as an Uchiha with whatever motive they had, why were you not allowed to the clan meetings then...?" Ibiki questioned. This was all new information to him. The longer he kept digging into the case of The Uchiha Massacre, the deeper the rabbit hole keeps getting.

"I was an Uchiha, only in name for them... I was always treated like an outsider by almost all of them..."


"There were a few exceptions like Shisui and Itachi, who treated me like one of their own... It was actually Shisui that revealed to me about the true intention of the clan behind accepting me as an Uchiha. He informed me about this just a few days before committing suicide." Izumi replied.

Ibiki nodded and said, "So you were never allowed into the Uchiha clan meetings and don't know anything about why only the Uchiha clan was targeted and why the Uchiha clan members were refusing to take missions outside the village...?"

"Yes." Was Izumi's reply.

Ibiki nodded and turned to Inoichi Yamanaka who had his right hand resting on top of Izumi's head the entire time to make sure whether she is telling the truth or not.

"She's telling the truth." Inoichi confirmed her truthfulness and removed his hand. Ibiki and Izumi were seated facing each other with a medium sized table separating them where as Inoichi was standing near Izumi. The entire conversation was being monitored by the Hokage, Shinobi council which includes Tsunade and the village elders from the council room. The Shinobi council were called upon today and were informed just before the commencement of this process that there was another person involved in the massacre and that Naruto had fought him.

Ibiki nodded after hearing Inoichi' s response and turned towards Izumi, "I am sorry that you had to go through this process Izumi. But it's the only way to find out what actually happened on that night and why Itachi and some other unknown person had massacred the entire Uchiha clan."

"I understand Ibiki-san." Izumi replied.

"Before I release you from this room... You must remember that all the persons who have witnessed that night, involved in that night, fought in that night or even survived that night must keep it a secret that Naruto Senju had fought the unknown invader and made him flee. If this information gets leaked into the population then it will pose a major threat to Naruto Senju. That's why Hokage-sama had classified any and all information regarding the unknown masked invader and his fight with Naruto Senju as an S-class village secret until the whereabouts of the masked invader are known. If anyone asks how you have survived the massacre, then you should say that you were attacked by Itachi Uchiha and you were left there in a pool of your own blood after your battle because Itachi thought that you died already and in the aftermath when the Anbu arrived at the location, they have found you to be still alive and rescued you like how they have rescued Sasuke Uchiha. Is that clear...?"

"Yes..." Izumi replied because she was already briefed about how Itachi massacred many Uchiha clan members and she understood that it should be kept secret until the truths of the night and the real reason why Itachi turned into a killer are found.

Ibiki nodded and stood up from his seat. Both him and Inoichi left theroom leaving the door open for Izumi to leave after them. After few seconds,Izumi also stood up and exited the room to go back to the Council room to finish this process.

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