CHAPTER 17: First Impression - Part 2

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(Sand Village Gates...)

"HALT... Please state your name and purpose of visit." questioned the ninja who was guarding the sand village gates.

"Jiraiya... Here on orders from Leaf Village to assist the Fourth Kazekage. It's a classified mission. With me is the Senju Heir." Jiraiya said.

Even though most haven't met him personally, there's no ninja in the elemental nations who doesn't know the name Jiraiya. So it's no wonder that the ninja who asked the question paled when he heard the name.

"Jiraiya-sama...! Forgive me for not recognizing a Sannin. You and the Senju Heir can enter." The ninja said while fidgeting with nervousness and let them enter the Sand village.

"See my cute Godson...? My reputation precedes me...!" Jiraiya said with a smug look. He didn't get to maintain it long when Naruto replied, "Still doesn't change the fact that you're a pervert."

Jiraiya fell face first on the ground after hearing that, but he stood up quickly and shouted, "Hey...! I'm not a pervert...." He paused to spread his hands wide, took his signature pose and continued, "I'm a Super Pervert..!"

Silence... Pure and Utter Silence...

Everyone around the duo were staring at the Sannin with stupefied looks when they took in his pose and heard him declaring himself as a super pervert.

Naruto got a sweat drop at the back of his head and released a sigh before saying, "Yeah... Yeah... Let's get going Pervy Sage..." and started to walk in the direction of the Kazekage tower. It took only a few seconds but Jiraiya came down from his sugar high and followed after his godson, while muttering something about disrespectful godsons not appreciating the ways of a super pervert.


(Kazekage Tower... Few Minutes Later...)

"Kazekage-sama... Sannin Jiraiya is here to meet you..." came the voice of Rasa's assistant through the intercom.

Rasa pressed the button on the intercom and replied, "Please send him in."

Just a minute later Jiraiya walked in along with Naruto who was looking at everything in the Kazekage office with awe. After all this was the first time he was seeing the office of a Kage.

"Jiraiya-sama..." Rasa stood up and said while bowing to the Sannin in respect.

"Kazekage-sama..." Jiraiya bowed in return.

Naruto came out of his day dreams and was also about to greet Rasa, but suddenly the door to the office was slammed open and Kankuro came running inside while looking over his back in fear. He looked like he was running away from something and wasn't paying attention to the front. He ran into Naruto and both kids fell on the floor. But before they could recover, an angry looking Temari also came running inside and didn't pay attention that Naruto and Kankuro are in the way and knocked herself on them in mid run and that made her flew through the air and land on the floor a meter away from the boys.

"Ouch...!" The three kids groaned in unison.

It took a few seconds but Naruto stood up and offered his hand to Kankuro with a smile and said, "Watch where you're running..."

Kankuro took the hand and stood up, "Yeah dude... Sorry about that..."

It was at this moment that Naruto saw something different with Kankuro and asked, "Why are you wearing makeup on your face..?"

"AAGHHH... FOR THE LAST TIME... ITS WAR PAINT..!" Kankuro screamed childishly while pulling his hair in a comical way.

Naruto just sweat dropped at the makeup boy, but he heard someone clearing their throat and turned, "If you're done with my brother's antics, can you please help me up too..?" Temari requested to the new boy who is younger than her.

Naruto nodded with a nervous laugh and approached her to help her up. But just when he was going to offer her his hand, his eyes caught something else... The War Fan of Temari has fallen off of her sometime during the scuffle and landed on the floor. Mesmerized by the beauty of the war fan, instead of helping Temari to stand he went to pick the War Fan up.

Temari was dumbfounded when he passed by her without offering the hand, but found that he was gonna pick up her war fan. "Forget it kid... It's too heavy for you to p..."

She stopped mid sentence when she saw Naruto lifting her fan with his left hand and was holding it like it was a tooth pick or something. Her jaw dropped and she couldn't form any more words.

Jiraiya was cursing in his mind at his godson's stupidity to ignore a girl, while Rasa and Kankuro were wide eyed at how easily a boy no older than 5 years was lifting Karura's War Fan easily.

Naruto's curiosity was satisfied after getting a good look at the fan for a few moments. And then he remembered about Temari who is still on the floor.

Temari was still in shock when Naruto offered her a hand and lifted her up and returned her war fan.

"You... You Lifted my War Fan..!" Temari stated with a stupefied expression.

"Uhh... Hello... I'm Naruto..." Naruto tried to introduce himself awkwardly.

"It took me 3 years to lift it properly..." She continued in anger with a scrutinizing gaze.

"What's your name..?" Naruto asked awkwardly not knowing why the girl is acting this way.

"That's it..." She declared.


"You... Me... in the training grounds... Let's settle this..." Temari announced and before Naruto could protest, she grabbed his right hand and started dragging him away from the Kazekage office.

"Oooookaaaaay...." Kankuro started to say with a sweat drop, "I think I am gonna go with them to make sure she doesn't break the guy." He completed saying like he knew what was going to happen next and followed his sister and Naruto out.

"Well..." Jiraiya started with a confused expression, "...that escalated quickly." Rasa finished the line mirroring Jiraiya's expression.


Author's Notes:

Stay tuned for the interesting interactions soon...

This was my first ever fan fiction. Please rate the story and leave your valuable opinions in reviews. Next chapter will be coming soon, Dattebayo.

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