Chapter 23| The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

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Chapter twenty-three: The cat is out of the bag


I fished out my keys and unlocked the door, letting myself in tentatively. I was hoping that Griffin wasn't home yet so I could sneak into my room and pretend to be sick. You know, put off the inevitable as much as I could.

Yeah, no such luck.

It was a little past seven-fifteen and Griffin was waiting was me on the couch just like he promised he would. He looked grim and did not even turn towards the door when he heard me open it. I couldn't make out much except that he was not very happy. Even George wasn't around to buffer, and I had a feeling it was intentional.

I gulped.

"Hey," I greeted hesitantly, hanging my coat on the coat stand and hooking my keys up to the key hook.

"Hi," he acknowledged flatly. I closed my eyes and opened them again, walking over and taking a seat next to him.

"How was your day?" I asked him.

He nodded knowingly. "Ah, the time-old technique of small talk." 

"It's not that," I said meekly.

"What is it, then?" He challenged.

Fought and lost. 

I bit my lip. "Nothing."

He looked at me in disapproval. "Olivia."

My defensive side kicked in.

"Look," I began, "Here's the thing. I am an adult."

"You're also practically my sister," he said.

"Griffin, even twenty-year-olds don't get interrogated so much," I fended.

"The twenty-year-olds you're referring to do not have the same past as you do," he stated.

I frowned. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" 

He had just made me sound like some problematic child. I might be many things, but I was not that.

"I'd rather not say." His eyebrows pulled together. "Listen, just next time, let me know when you're not coming home, okay? Let me know you're okay."

Okay, I'll admit I was surprised. I was expecting a lot more ire.

"I will." I sighed. It was a fair request that I would make of him, too.

"Would you like to tell me where you were?" He asked.

"Umm." I wasn't sure. But I knew I had to. He needed to know. He waited patiently. "Okay."

"Go on." He nodded.

"Promise me you won't get mad?" I pleaded.

His gaze became alert and his body went rigid. I looked at him pleadingly and he all but huffed out a breath.

" . . . I promise," he said reluctantly.

"So, uh, I was with," I fumbled miserably. My heart hammered in my chest at his awaiting expression and the bad possible outcomes once the next words would fly out my mouth. I recoiled back prematurely before I tried again, "Ahem, Kai."

His eyebrows shot up into his hairline.

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"Before you get the guns out to kill him, hear me out," I implored desperately. "Listen. I forgave him."

His nostrils flared. "You what?"

I suppressed a wince. "I forgave him."

"Why the heck would you do that?" He questioned incredulously. "He cheated on you. You spent years trying to get over that scumbag and then you ran back to him? Why?"

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