Chapter 43| Need

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Chapter forty-three: The Truth Comes Out


I heard the front door open and I hastily scrambled up to lock mine. It was probably Sam unless Josh got off work before her. It was Monday so I placed my bets on the former.

"Liv?" Someone knocked on the door softly a while later. "Hon, please open the door."

So it was Sam. A crushing disappointment washed over me and stole my voice and I realized I was subconsciously still waiting for Kaison to knock on my door. What had he done to me?

"Liv?" She called again, louder this time. Maybe if I didn't answer she would go away.


"Olivia?" She persistently kept going. "I know you're in there, I saw your dishes."

I cursed internally.

"Go away!" I managed.

"It's not what you think," she said placatingly.

My brain short-circuited. Did she have a multiple-personality disorder?

That or the pregnancy hormones are crazy.

"Not what I think?" I yelled incredulously, pissed off by the train of my thoughts and her supposed words of reassurance. "Are you kidding me, Samantha?"

"Just talk to him-"

I got up angrily. "I did!"

"Liv," she adopted a soothing tone, "Just open the door."

"That's my life now," I ranted, drowning in self-pity. "Pathetic. That's how I feel, falling for a guy who broke me once already. How naiv-"

"Olivia!" She cut me off mid-rant, dropping all signs of peace. "Open the fucking door!"

"No," I said decisively.

"I already have 'Kill Kaison' on my to-do list," she warned. "Don't make me break down your door, too."

"Oh, no you don't." I groaned, hurrying to open the door. She had done it once and she was not doing it again. I unlocked it and soon as she heard the click of the lock opening, she pushed her way in.

"Why the hell is it so dark?" She complained. "What are you, a bat?"

"Careful," I deadpanned. "Bats turn into vampires. Don't tempt me to feed on your blood."

"You wouldn't," she laughed evilly, "I had a lot of garlic in my lunch."

I shrugged. "I'm resistant."

Her lips twitched with momentary humor before she shook herself.

"Olivia," she began seriously.

"Don't start with me." I glared at her. "Enough is enough."

"Fine. Tell me where the fuck you've been!" She hit my arm. "Griffin and I have been worried sick!"

"London," I deadpanned. "You knew that."

"Bitch, you could've at least replied to our texts!" She scolded. "Do you have any idea how crazy afraid I was that you had done something to yourself?!"

"I would never," I said fiercely, catching her drift.

"I know," she sighed, "But I was still worried. I feared the worst."

"I got that," I said dryly.

"Tell Griffin you're back," she said, sitting down on my bed.

"I will," I said, falling back. "Tomorrow."

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