Chapter 41| My Coping Mechanism

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Chapter forty-one: My coping mechanism


"We will kill him," Sam hissed. "It's time to carry out the threat I promised six years ago. We're gutting him."

"No," I said impassively.

"No?" She exclaimed incredulously.

"No," I repeated firmly, scrutinizing the photo.

"Look, I know I told you to forgive him, but this is too extreme," she exclaimed. "He clearly ditched you last night and got caught with Chelsea."

"Maybe," I muttered, connecting my AirPods to the phone. "But I don't believe it."

"Liv? Open your eyes," she protested. "I'm sorry we pushed you. You were right. You really were better off without him."

"I honestly have no idea what is going on with him." I ignored her. "But there has to be an explanation for this."

"Griffin will kill me," she mumbled.

"No, he won't." I rolled my eyes. "He will go after Kai first."

"And you're okay with that?" She asked, obviously perplexed.

I looked down at the photo again.

"I haven't decided yet," I replied.

"Well, do it-" the doorbell rang, "-soon!"

"I will," I told her, quickly walking to the front door.

"I don't understand," she babbled. "What has gotten into him?"

"I don't know," I hummed as I opened the door, revealing Kai. "He's here."

"Gut him!" She hissed passionately.

"Right," I dragged. "Look, I have to go. Take care."

"Liv, lis-"

I cut the call. I removed the AirPods from my ear and held them in my hand, turning away from the door before he could say something. I walked back to my room and placed the pods back in their case.

"I know you're mad," he said quietly as he followed me in.

I shrugged, aware of his eyes on my back. "Why would I be?"

"Livvy, I'm so sorry," he apologized sincerely.

Not good enough.

"For what?" I asked, tilting my head and sitting down.

"For leaving you like that last night." He shook his head. "It really was an emergency."

Ah, I don't think he knows.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Was it, now?" 

I crossed my legs, leaning back on my hands. My heart was erratic and my palms were sweating. He bent down to kiss me but I turned my head at the last moment, making his lips fall on my cheek.

"Yeah," he said slowly, now wary. "Why are you saying everything like a question?"

"I don't know," I clipped.

He took a seat beside me. "Okay."

I closed my eyes. I couldn't bear to look at him. "What was the emergency, Kai?"

"A friend of mine needed me," he replied.

"A friend needed you," I repeated, nodding sagely. My soul felt as if someone had lit it on fire. And not in a good way.

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