Chapter 09| Apologies, Make-ups & Fights

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Chapter nine: Apologies, makeups, and fights.


I looked around the club, trying to spot either Sam or Griffin. It took a while but I finally tracked them down at some booth. I quickly waded through the crowd, unsteady on my feet. I slipped in beside Griffin, interrupting their conversation.

"Hey," I greeted.

They looked at each other uncertainly.

"I don-" I stopped myself. "I won't bite," I corrected, laughing.

That earned me surprised and curious looks. I beamed at them.

"How much did you drink?" Sam questioned me with a frown.

"Not much," I giggled.

"She's drunk," she stated, looking at Griffin. He looked amused.

I smiled. "I'm not."

"Your gaze is slightly unfocused and you are smiling. That's not right. You wanted to kill us both a few hours ago," she analyzed. "You are drunk."

"I'm not swaying and I just walked in a straight line," I countered.

"Well, then you're tipsy," Sam said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sober enough," I replied. "Let's do shots? Tequila?"

"No," they denied in sync.

"I'm taking you home," Griffin declared.

"But home is miles away," I whined.

"Then we'll make do with the resort," he retorted. "Let's go."

I pouted. "No."

"Olive." He groaned.

"Let her be, Griffin," Sam smirked. "Maybe this will work in our favor."

"What favor?" I asked at the same time Griffin said, "She's drunk, not stupid."

"Let's test that theory," Sam said. Her eyes twinkled with an evil promise.

"Ohhh." I blinked, nodding in realization. "You're late, bitch." I gave her a lopsided grin.

Sam and Griffin exchanged another look. I rolled my eyes indiscreetly.

"What are you talking about?" Griffin asked stiffly.

"You know what I'm talking about," I said, moving to take his drink. He quickly put it out of my reach with a reproachful look. I sulked.

"I don't." He kept on track. "Or I hope I don't. Please tell me you didn't talk to Kaison."

"Ooo, but I did." I tittered. I shot Sam a puppy dog look and she slid me her drink with a smug simper. Griffin frowned at her but I drank happily. It tasted like Vodka. I saw her mouth 'trust me' at him. He allowed reluctantly.

"What did you guys talk about?" Sam asked me sweetly.

"Same old, same old," I answered willingly. "Break-up, I hate you, I'm sorry, fuck off, etc."

"Did you kiss and make up?" She asked, her eyes glinting mischievously.

"Nope," I popped the 'p'. Then I sighed wistfully. "I wish we did though."

Sam laughed. "I fucking knew it."

I beamed at her while Griffin facepalmed.

"This is ridiculous," he muttered. I grabbed his arm and leaned my head on his shoulder.

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