Chapter 17| Once A Lover, Always A Lover

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Chapter seventeen: Once a lover, always a lover


"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah," he grunted.

I groaned, feeling tired. "Are you sure it's not hurting you?"

"I'll be fine," he said, pressing the ice pack to his shoulder.

He had forgotten to take his evening painkillers and now his injury was hurting. And then his shoulder jerked a little when he picked up his bag after obstinately refusing to let me or Milo help.

"Your heroism is idiotic," I mumbled. "Just take them now."

"No," he gritted out.

"Kaison!" I snapped. "It's freaking half-past two in the morning. This is not the time to act like a stubborn teenager."

"I am not," he protested indignantly.

"Shut the fuck up and take it!" I articulated as I thrust a bottle of pills at him.


"Kaison Eric Jennings," I said threateningly.

"Those are not the painkillers!" He rolled his eyes. "Try the ones over there in the side pocket."

I did so with a glower. He just laughed at me. I gave him a glass of water and he popped the pills in obediently.

He set the now empty glass down. "There. Happy?"

"Ecstatic," I deadpanned. "Now. I'm going to bed and I advise you do so soon, too."

"Griffin's room?" He asked.

"Unless you prefer the couch, yeah," I told him.

"Thought so," he mumbled. He sounded disappointed.

Whatever happened to being grateful for a roof over your head?

I rolled my eyes. "Good night, Kai. Wake me up if you need anything."

"Good night, Livvy."

* * * * * 

I woke up to my phone ringing loudly. I groaned because of the sudden awareness that gripped me with it, scrambling my limbs up to shield my eyes. When the noise stopped and then began again shortly, I clambered out of the bed and searched for it in my bag blindly.

"What?" I barked when I picked up.

"Rawr," Sam teased, echoed by Griffin. I heard something clatter on the ground and I stood up, alert.

"What was that?" Griffin asked.

How loud was that?

"Umm, I'm in the kitchen," I lied, walking right there. "I'm cooking breakfast."

"But you just woke up," Sam said.

"No. No, I didn't," I continued the ruse, watching as Kai picked up the pan with a small pucker in his brows and lit the stove. He picked up an egg and broke it with ease using just one hand, cracking another one just as easily. His brows smoothened. "I was making breakfast."

He went grocery shopping.

"Definitely a no, " Sam denied defiantly. Kai looked up and I held up my hand warningly, pointing at the phone. He mouthed a good morning, whisking the eggs awkwardly.

How does he even know what is kept where? I thought as I looked around at the utensils and spices he was using.

"Who's doing it? Me or you?" I retorted before mouthing the greeting back. I walked over to him, pulled the bowl from him, and took over his job. I trapped my phone between my ear and my shoulder as I whisked.

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