Chapter 03| Bonfire Talks

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Chapter three: Bonfire Talks


"Liv!" Carter exclaimed. "It's great to see you again."

"Yeah," I got up from my seat in greeting. He immediately moved in to hug me. "Same." I hugged him back.

I'm doing that a lot lately, hun?

"You look great," he said, holding my shoulders and looking at me.

"Yeah, you too," I replied with a polite smile.

Why? Oh, why?

His eyes traveled to mine and held mild accusation in them. "So, you're a friend of Lena's?"

"Yeah," I said dumbly, again.

"I'm Caine's brother. Who would've thought we'd meet again this way?"

I smile awkwardly. "Yeah."

Apparently my vocabulary loves failing me at the most crucial of moments.

"Are you okay?" He chuckled.

Anything but that damned word, Olivia. For the love of God-

"Yeah," I repeated and winced. Sam cleared her throat loudly and I gratefully turned away from Carter.

"You already know Griffin," I said, catching her drift. The boys acknowledged each other with a nod. "That's my best friend Samantha. Sam, meet Carter Holmes."

Holmes. That should've been the first giveaway when I thought Caine looked eerily familiar. Urgh.

"Hello." Sam smiled invitingly. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Carter grinned back. "I've heard a lot about you from this one over here." He jerked his head in my direction.

"I should hope so," Sam said. "I'm her best friend." She glanced at Griffin and chuckled. "Well, one of them, anyway."

Carter gave her a warm laugh. "You're lucky."

"The fact that you know this little demon here and you still say that?" Sam released out a mocking gasp. "That's very generous of you."

At that Carter looked at me, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Speaking of the demon, 'Meet Carter Holmes', is that all the introduction I get, love?"

"Yes, actually." I bit back a smile at his breezy attitude. I didn't want to admit it, but I was grateful for it. I admired his way of gelling up with people and getting a smooth casual conversation. Especially after how I had ghosted him for a nice while after our relationship had ended. "That's all you get."

He pouted. "I'm hurt."

"Shut up." I laughed. He looked comical with those puckered lips. Almost like a fish.

"Ah, there's that beautiful laugh," he teased.

I rolled my eyes, keeping a grin. "Stop flirting, Carter."

"Are you taken?" He questioned openly.

"No," I replied hesitantly. Almost reluctantly.

"Neither am I," he said with a smirk. "So I will not, baby."

I shook my head in amusement. Typical Carter.

"Okay," Sam interrupted, giving me a look that promised another interrogation later.


"Why don't you ea-" she was cut off.

"Carter! There you are!" Lena rushed over to us, smiling broadly at her brother-in-law.

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