Chapter 34| Ex-Magnet Indeed

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Chapter thirty-four: Ex-Magnet Indeed


After Kai signed the papers, Gabe and Angeline began sorting through them immediately.

"Hey, Liv," Gabe addressed me.

"Hmm?" I hummed, still stumped for words. The entire meeting I had been quiet as a mouse, barely hearing anything.

I think it's safe to say that I'm not fond of surprises.

"Are those PJs you're wearing?" He asked.

Angeline coughed, plausibly to cover for the laugh that must've spontaneously bubbled up her throat at the vocal observation.

"Yeah," I answered. My lips were twitching themselves. "And is that an Armani tuxedo I see?"

"That's so you." He laughed. "And yes ma'am, it is. I had a business day."

A memory flashes through my mind at those words, whizzing past my eyes at lightening speed.

Myrtle, my roommate, was out with her friends. We weren't exactly chummy but we weren't enemies either. She had told me she would come back by late. That was the reason I had invited Gabe over for a movie night. That and because I had low-key missed him when he was gone.

We were laying side by side on my bed in my dorm then, watching the romantic comedy, Duff. It's a nice movie, but I would have enjoyed it more had it came without Gabe's countless profanities and comments on the characters. I was already tired of him being here again.

Don't watch a movie with Gabe if you intend to enjoy it. Duly noted.

"That's such a stupid thing to do," he yelled at the screen again and I sighed. At that point, I had stopped watching the movie. I planned to do it later when I was free.

And alone.

"Gabe?" I interrupted another one of his rants. He jumped and looked at me as if he'd forgotten me for a nice while here. I force my lips to smile. "Can we do something else? I don't feel like watching any more of this movie."

"Of course!" He said, shutting the laptop lid mid-scene.


"What do you wanna do?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"I think I might have something in mind," he said suggestively.

When I didn't outrightly show any objection, he took it as an affirmative response. He smirked, leaning closer. His lips touched mine and his hands started wandering.

"I missed this," he muttered between kisses and I hummed. I wondered faintly if boys were always this horny, ready to make out and have sex so easily. Just a moment ago he was annoyed at teenage stupidity and now look at him.

Things were just starting to get good when his phone rang loudly. I groaned, anticipating what he was going to do next.

"I'm sorry," he grunted out, rolling off of me and grabbing his phone.

I stuffed my face into the pillow and tried not to scream as he spoke. That always happened. Any good moment we had would be ruined to shreds if his bloody phone would ring. Be it a simple conversation over ice cream, or an intimate moment about to happen.

Like now.

"Sorry babe, I have to go." He got up, ended the call, and put on his shirt.


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