Chapter 29| . . . Into The Fire

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Chapter twenty-nine: . . . into the fire


I padded out into the living room, yawning. I felt satisfied and well-rested. The only thing that would've made my morning better was the presence of my boyfriend beside me when I'd woken up, but the bed was cold.

"Kai," I sang as he came into view. Well, his shirtless muscular back did.

He twisted his neck to look at me. He grinned. "Good morning, mon amour."

I grinned back, walking over and wrapping my arms around him. He chuckled, hugging me back. When I didn't pull back and put his breakfast preparations in jeopardy, he deftly lifted me onto the counter while he worked. I laughed against his neck, wrapping my legs around his middle.

"How much do you bench?" I asked him curiously, feeling his muscles ripple under me as he worked.

"Two hundred ninety-five," he answered.

I laughed breathily. "Damn." 

"I know," he replied smugly. I could hear the smirk in his voice and that made my own smile grow.

"What'cha making?" I asked. 

"I'm sure you can smell it." 

"Humor me," I told him.

"Eggs and bacon," he said as he rested his head against mine. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like a baby." I sighed in contentment. "You?"

"Amazing," he replied.

"I like this," I muttered.

"Me too," he hummed.

We stayed like that for a while before the change in aroma alerted me.

"If I don't move now it's gonna burn isn't it?"

He laughed. "You're smart."

"I knew it," I grumbled.

I kissed his neck and unwound my limbs from around him. He stepped back from the counter and I dropped my legs to the floor. I forced them to move and take me to the barstool. I plopped down on it lazily as I watched Kai wrap it all up. He set the plate in front of me and I dug in when he sat down with his as well. Mid-meal, I got up and got us both a glass each of orange juice.

"You know," Kai spoke between bites, "They caught us last night."

"They did?" I asked hopefully. I took in his expression and knew something was wrong. "Well, isn't that what you wanted?"

"Umm, yeah." He scratched the back of his neck. A nervous tick.

I sighed as I looked up. "Explain."

"So, there are articles," he began.

"Go on," I urged, nodding.

I shifted back in my seat, bringing a foot up to rest on its edge. I wrapped my arm around it and rested my chin on it, leaning forward. I was done eating.

"Before I tell you anything, you should know that this is my first time actually messing with paparazzi on purpose," he said.

"Okay?" It came out as a question.

"They're still hateful articles, Liv."

My mind went blank. It took me a second to get my bearings together.

"What?" I sputtered.


"I heard you." I cut him off. "But how?"

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