Chapter 2.

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Sarah is at the side :)

I looked around the waiting room nervously. There were girls and guys of all ages sitting around, reading or mumbling quietly to themselves.

"Cristina Salman?" A women called out and I stood up abruptly, my heart pounding.

"Uhh, yeah. That's me." I said shakily, walking over to the door.

"Good luck." She said smiling at me as I walked through the door.

"Next," a bored voice called out, nerves once again filling my stomach as I walked up the steps and onto the stage. My heart stopped when I realised who I was auditioning for. Sat in front of me was three guys who I assumed were the scouts and all of One Direction.

"Stay calm," I muttered to myself as I made my way over to the centre of the stage.

"Hi, I'm Cristina and I'll be singing and playing Skinny Love." I said, as confidently as I could. They nodded and Niall put his thumbs up encouraging me on.

I sat down at the piano and relaxed my shoulders, placing my hands on the keys softly. I began playing, blocking out everyone watching and listening and completely focused on the music.

I got enveloped in the music and began singing, my voice flowing and combining with the music perfectly.

My stomach clenched when I got to the notes I usually messed up on but I got right through it and ended the song perfectly.

I smiled to myself as Louis, Harry and Niall jumped right up and began giving me a standing ovation. They were quickly joined by Liam and Zayn as my checks flushed and I waved, walking down the steps.

I left the building grinning, praying that I would get the call I needed so bad, saying I was in.

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