Spotting her I shouted for her to stop a minute and she turned around with a smirk on her face, "You've got all the stuff that Michael likes, you do know I'm just going to have to go back and get double that," she said with the smirk still on her face.

"Well we're going to have to have little tubs with our sweets in and we can't eat out of eachothers tubs otherwise there's going to be a lot of wrestling going on." I warned Karen and she just laughed.

"Oh I can count on that."

"Karen? Ri?" I heard a familiar women voice say and I turned around to see Liz with a trolley full of food, how much did the Hemmings household eat?

"Hi, Liz how are you? Did Luke sleep well last night?" Karen asks obviously making conversation.

"He slept like an absolute baby Karen, how about you with Michael?" Liz asked back and I just stood there as they had their motherly conversation.

"So what do you say, Ri?" I heard someone say so I zoned back in to see Liz looking at me expectantly.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked cringing at how rude I sounded.

"God she's just like Michael," Liz laughed, "I was asking if you wanted to come back with me and we can see if we can make that pie I was talking about yesterday?"

"Oh yeah, sure, if that's ok with you?" I asked not wanting to just jump right in.

"Of course it's ok with me! I wanna get to know you," she smiled and so I quickly nodded my head, said goodbye to Karen and followed LIz out of the store feeling slightly awkward. I didn't really know what to say to her, it did feel awkward being with her without Luke there. "So did you have a nice sleep?"

"Yeah it was great, I probably only just woke up an hour ago, I didn't even know I could sleep for that long." I laughed as we reached her car and I got sat in the passenger seat whilst she loaded her shopping in the boot of her car. "So what kind of pie are we making? Steak and Ale? Chicken and Mushroom?"

"Oh I forgot you have savoury pies aswell," Liz said sitting in her drivers seat and putting her keys in the ignition. "I was thinking more of a cherry or apple pie."

"Ooh! Can we make apple pie? It's my favourite!" I yelled a little bit over excited.

"Yeah of course, we'll get started as soon as we get back." Liz agreed. The whole ride back to her house was silent, and it was an awkward silent for me, I really didn't know what to say to her. I could have talked about Luke but I just felt that that would've brought even more awkwardness in the car.

We got to Luke's house and it looked just like Michael's making me feel slighty more comfortable and making it feel slighty more homey for me.

Making our way into the kitchen I admired all the family pictures that were plastered over the walls and watching the photos from when Luke was little to more recently. "You have a lovely home." I complimented turning back to see her smiling proudly from my compliment.

"Thank you Ri, that means a lot to me." Liz said with a proud ring to it as she placed her carrier bags down on the side. Her kitchen wasn't exactly the biggest I've been in but it was cosy and her decorations were cute.

"It's awfully quiet and tidy to say that 3 boys live here." I said trying not to laugh.

"Jack and Ben are tidy, it's just Luke. I tell you he's so messy, see his bedroom now before he trashes it again." Liz laughed shaking her head at Luke's untidyness.

"I can actually believe you with that." I laughed along with her and I felt a lot less awkward around her. I felt my bum vibrate and I checked to see that I had a text from Luke.

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