Chapter 23

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When I woke I looked at the clock I see it is 4 in the morning. I sat up when pain shot up my legs to my stomach. I groan, my hand went to my stomach, looking down. Mom told me what it was like to have contractions, I had to wait until they were close togather. I went to the couch and grabbed a book on the book shelf.

I read until I get a contraction, looking at the clock, half an hour. I begin reading as the pain went away after a few minutes. I take a deep breath, 20 minutes. I waited another 2 hours until they were 5 minutes apart. I walk out of the room with my key banging on mom and dad's room. She opens the door, I wince. "Baby.... coming... Hurts." I say as I groan.

Dad quickly runs out banging on everyones door. We all head to the elevator, then went to the clinic, "Move my daughter's baby is coming!!" She yelled, everyone quickly moved, I got dressed in a gown and laid on the medical bed. Dad, Nick, Natasha and James come in, then Natasha and Mom in some scrubs. "I'm not going to clook at your cooch." Nick said making me laugh, then groan. "I'm not either." James says, Natasha rolls her eyes, putting up a blue sheet so they can't see. Nick sets a cold wash cloth on my sweaty forehead.

More nurses and doctors come in. I feel for the necklace Nate gave me with the pearl. "I need my necklace! That has a pearl Nate gave me and a picture of him. Someone go get it because I'm not doing this without him!!!" I yell, James digs in my pants for my card, once he finds it he runs out. "Nova hunny your 9 centimeters dialated."

I nod, taking a deep breath, a groan escapes my mouth as a contraction hits, worse then before. James comes back in, handing me the necklace. I open it, catching the pearl and looking at the picture of him and me, smiles on our faces. "Nate, your going to meet your son when you come home, I promise. No matter what teh Capital does I will not leave you and our son. But you must be alive, I can't loose you." I whisper, closing my eyes, yelling as a contraction hits me. I put the pearl in the spot above the heart pendant wher I am guessing someone put it.

It was tight enough so it wouldn't fall but loose enough I could take it out when I wanted. Dad puts another cloth on my forehead, another behind my neck. I close my eyes as I take a deep breath, then I felt something leak, "Nova your water broke." Mom says, "It's go time Baby girl." Dad says, wiping my hair from my face. I scream as I push.

"Dammit!" I yell, stopping. I take deep breaths, tears falling down my face. "It hurts! It hurts!" I yell, Nick grabs my hand as James rubs my shoulders, dad having my other one. Natasha came over, my blood on her gloves. "There's blood." Nick points out, "No duh Nickolas I'm having a child!!!" I scream at him. Natasha takes off her gloves and comes over, "Nova, you will have your baby soon. Do this for Nate." "I need to see him." I cry, she takes my necklace and opens it, holding the small picture of us.

I take a deep breath, "For Nate. For Nate." I scream as I push again. "There you go! Baby I see his head." Mom says, I stop, taking a deep breath. I take the necklace from Natasha as she wipes away the tears and sweat. "For Nate." I whisper, I scream loudly, holding the necklace to my chest as I feel Elijah come out, a cry was heard. I stop, a smile on my face. "Who wants to cut the cord?" Mom asks, "C-can I?" Nick says, entranced by the tiny human mom was holding.

"Yeah come over dear." Nick goes over and cuts it with a smile. Mom bundles him up and comes over, blood all over her and the baby. My heart swells at the sight of my child. She hands me him, I cry as I look at his face. "Oh my God! He looks like him." Tears fall down my face as the baby stops crying. "Congratualtions Nova." I heard, I look over and see Jane, she smiles as she comes over, mom was cleaning the bed sheets with Natasha and covering me up. "Thank you he looks so much like him."

She comes over with a smile. "What's his name?" "Elijah Mateo Black." I whisper, the baby begins crying. "Oh he's hungry." I look at everyone, mostly dad, Nick and James who were staring at him. "I have to nurse him. Can you guys look away so I can feed him and cover myself up?" They all blush and turn away, mom and Natasha comes over, I pull the gown off and feed him. He latches on in no time, I cover mysef but not his face. "Ok, well I'll leave you alone." "Don't tell anyone his name yet, I want to." She nods and leaves.

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