Chapter 20

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I was blinded by the sun. Squinting my eyes I look around to see all the tributes. Nate was 4 pedistules down. Next to me was a mean looking girl from 1 and the big guy from 6. I noticed we were on a lake. Around us was all forest. My heart started to race, I didn't know if Nate knew how to swim.

Hello everyone and welcome to the Third Quarter Quell. When the horn sounds you may begin in 30 seconds. May the odds be ever in your favor.

There was a loud robot voice counting down, I closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

"20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15." Taking another deep breath I bent forward, others doing the same.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5."

"You can do this Nova." "3, 2, 1." I dived in as I began swimming as fast as I could. I took a deep breath as I swam as fast as I could, my eyes open in the salt water making them hurt. I then climbed onto a little path way that was barely a foot across. Looking around as I saw other people catching up to me. I was in the lead on my side.

My eyes landed on a bow and arrow. The bow was a black color, it was shiny and looked beautiful. As I made it there I grabbed it, hearing someone behind me I saw Fin. He raises his right wrist. "Hello Ally." He smirks, I see Mike's golden bracelet. I growl at him, "Duck." I qucikly did as he said, I saw him throw a knife. Looking back I saw a boy from 13 with a knife.

I came back, people were running away. "Nate!" I yell, he was still on the pedistone. "Go! I need to get Maggie." I grab 5 knives, stuffing them in my belt. I ran onto the rock thing towards him. "Behind you!!" He yelled, I spun around shooting at an arrow, lodging it in the girl from fives neck. I then dove into the water. Nate jumped off, floating. "Come on. Move your arms in this motion and kick your legs."

He did as I said, we made it to the stone thing, running to the Cornacopia. He grabbed knives. I grabbed more arrows along with a few other supplies, "Which way?" Fin cane over, Maggie on his back. "Straight ahead I guess." We ran over it, running into the woods, within a few minutes we all were sweating and breathing heavy, the heat got worse with time.

After a few hours Fin had to stop, taking Maggie off his back. We all fell to the ground breathing heavy besides Maggie. I had my bow and arrow ready. I stood up, they all looked at me. I shook my head, holding my stomach. "Are you going to throw up?" Nate said, jumping up, Fin and Maggie looked at me. I shook my head, then there was a snap.

I shot in the way it came from, there I saw a huge turkey thing, shot right in the eyes. "Uh, who's hungry?" Fin said, I laughed as I went over there and bent down to take it when something jumped out at me. I screamed as I fell to the ground, on top of me was a raging thing, it didn't look like any animal I knew. Then there was a trident in the heart of it. I took a deep breath as Nate came over

We all stopped as a canon went off.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

"11 dead." Fin said, "Are you ok?" Nate said once they stopped. "Yeah." Fin goes over and grabs the turkey, handing me my arrow. We cook it, a little smoke rose in the sky but as soon as it was cooked we ate and walked. Soon it was almost dark so we stopped in a good place I think. My mouth was so dried, it hurt to swallow.

We all sat on the ground, leaning on a fallen log. "Who wants to take first watch?" Nate asks, "I will." I say, "No it's ok I can." Fin said, I look at him, "You sure?" He nods, I looked skeptical, "Nova if I wanted to kill you I would have let that thing do it back there." I chuckle, "Ok." "Plus I don't dare kill a pregnant woman." I laugh again. I lay my head on Nate's lap as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Only a few hours later did I wake up with a start, Fin looks at me. "You ok?" "Nightmares." He nods, "Do you stil get them?" "Once in a while yeah." "So I guess the anthem played. "Yeah, a boy and girl from 3,  the 2 girls from 5, a boy and a girl from 9, a boy and girl from 11, and the Tina girl is all that is left from 13." I nod, "Why don't you go to sleep."

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