Chapter 5

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I take a deep breath and walk on stage as I hear loud cheering and screaming. I smile as I walk ok stage. Caden stands up and greets me with a hug then we sit down in the chairs.

"So Girl on Fire. I need to know, what was your first impression when Chase told you about the you being set on fire?" "I was terrified." He laughs and puts his hand on my knee. Caden, no matter your answer to a question will always ease the tension with a joke or make your answer seem better then it was.

"What does the fire feel like?" He asks me. I smile and look at Chase, "It kind of tickled. But once I saw Nate in a similar outfit we agreed to rip each other's cape thing off. But before we could do that we were ok fire and it didn't hurt so I guess you could say we left then on." I say sarcastically.

He laughs and looks at the crowd as the laugh too. "Ok let's get serious, during the Calling you literally screamed that you volunteer for your little sister Natasha. What was going through your head?" I look at Chase and think for a minute.

"That I wanted her to stay safe. I didn't want to participate in this because, if I die. I'd die knowing, she is safe." I look down, as I hear Caden whisper and the whole audience was in silence. He shakes his head holding his heart as tears were in his eyes. "Wow. Unbelievable." I smile a little at him.

"Yeah, I told her I'd try. I'd try to win for her." He nods. "Ok, let's lighten the mood shall we? What is your favorite thing here? It must be so different from City 12." I nod, "It is." I look to Chase he held a face of curiosity. "Ya know I couldn't really tell you that. It is so different." "One thing?" "Uhm, then the food. Its so different from City 12." "So does this dress catch fire?" He asks me. I look at Chase and he gives me a small twirling motion for me to spin.

I stand up and Caden stands up next to me. He backs up and I start spinning. I feel the fire coming up my legs to my thighs then my waist all the way up my torso. Then I feel my hair on fire. "OH MY GOD LOOK AT HER!! LOOK AT THAT HAIR!! ITS OK FIRE!!" Caden yells.

I stop spinning and I feel my dress's spin a little around my legs as I hang on to Caden's hand as my head stops spinning. "No! Don't stop!" He yells in the microphone as there was a lot of loud cheering and screaming. "I'm gonna fall." "Well then hold on don't worry boys and girls I got her. She's safe with me." I laugh and he sits me back down.

"Well we need to give an applause to Chase for that amazing dress!" Everyone claps. "Ok well the timer will go off in a few seconds. It was lovely to get to know you Nova." I smile at him, "Thank you it was lovely being here." Then the timer goes off and I move to the back of the stage and sit down in my seat.

Nate comes to Caden and they start talking. They talk about the fire and how he thought it was. Then I heard Caden ask, "So nice looking man like you must have a girl waiting for you at home right?" I see Nate shake his head, "I'm not proud of it but, I am not a one lady and done type of guy." Caden nods. "Don't worry we all have those days, right?" He asks the crowd and they cheer.

"So any crush?" "Yeah, yeah there is this one girl who I have liked since I was 13. She knows I exist but we aren't friends." "Well why don't you ask her out after you win this thing?" He asks, "Cause that won't help me at all." He says back looking down, "And why won't it?" He asks, "Because," He says, "Because she came here with me." The audience gasps and it goes silent.
My mouth fall open as I look down at the ground.

"Ohh, tough luck, that must suck." Caden says. I knew the cameras were on me, but I took a chance and looked up but as soon as I saw my red face I looked back down trying to gather my thoughts together.

Nathaniel Black, the hottest guy perhaps in the school or even our City likes me? A simple girl from the poorer side of town and has nothing, is ordinary and simple. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I hear the buzzer go off then the girl from 13 goes up and they talk. Soon the boy was next then we all stood up for the anthem and left.

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