Chapter 3

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I wake up to banging on my door, "Up, up, up!!" Elaine says, I groan and see it is 8:30. I slowly get up and see some clothes on the end of my bed. I put them on, it was a simple tight pants and a short sleeved shirt with my City number on it. I put my hair in the side braid then I walk out after putting on the boots.

I go to the dining room and grab some food. Then I sit down. "Don't let the other's see your specialties. It's a give away. Once you start getting good, stop." Mike says. Nate was dressed in a similar outfit and I rolled my eyes, it was getting quiet annoying. Once we were done eating we went to the elevator and went down to the training room.

When we got to the training room we say everyone there already. We sat down on the floor as the lady explained every part, there was one on how to start a fire, how to camouflage yourself, how to throw knives, how to throw spears, climbing area, how to move quickly on your feet, how to use a bow and arrow, what kinds of things you can and can't eat in the wild and what kinds of trees are the best on how to start a fire, with less smoke.

Once she set us off I went to the one where you learn the different kinds of foods. Of course I already knew this, but I wanted to refresh my mind. The guy there was impressed on my knowledge and challenged me harder, I got a few things wrong but that was ok. After that me and Nate went to the fire starter one.

We were there, learning how to start fires with different things. Then the Keeper's made us all go on a climbing thing that challenged us, most of the people fell on the mat when we had to climb upside down on some rope that was tied. We had to do this for 2 hours then we all ate in a different room. The tables were all scattered around the room.

Me and Nate got some food and sat at a table by ourselves, "Are you going to use the bow and arrow today?" "Most likely, what about you?" "I have to work on my knife and spear throwing." He says I nod and eat some of the food. "I feel stares." "Me too." He says back. I look up and see the Carriers looking at us with smug looks.

"I hate this." "Your not the only one. He says back at me. "Tell me something about yourself?" He asks, "Why?" "It gives us something to do," He shrugs, "Uhm, well I have an older brother who works in the mines, he is 20 years old, then I have a little sister named Nat, she has a goat named Jane. I got it for her when she was 9 years old, she was almost dead." He nods.

We then got up and threw everything away sense lunch was over. I went tot eh bow and arrows. I picked one up and then got an arrow. I aimed it at a target and barely shot it in the head. I heard laughing behind me, already knowing who it was I didn't have to look back.

I then shot again and made it through the head, I spun around and shot another one, making it in the head, then I did a few more, either making it in the head of the target or right where the heart was. I didn't hear any more laughing so I turned around and saw the carriers looking at me with shock In there eyes.

I rolled my eyes and the training day was over. Me and Nate went back to our floor, I went straight to my room and took a shower then got dressed in a short sleeved blue top with some black jeans and some sneakers. I walked to the dining room and ate with Mike, Nate, Chase and Jenna.

"So are we going to be on fire in the interviews?" I say making small talk. "Of course you have to keep that Girl on Fire going." Chase says back smiling. I chuckle and take a bite of my food. "How was training?" Mike asked. "No offence but can we not match." I ask looking at Nate. He shrugs.

"Nope. Your going to be star crossed lovers." "Why?" I ask, "Because it gives you sponsors, and you need those sponsors in case you need anything during the games. Like medicine. This is all about excitement." I glare at him. "And with him being so cute, maybe you'll get more." He adds. My eyes widen at him.

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