Chapter 4

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It was the next day and everyone was seated in the room while the Gamers called us one by one. After about 2 hours I got called in so I got up and walked towards the doors. They opened for me and I walked in.

The Gamers were seated and we're looking at me. "You may begin." The leader said. I walked over to the bow and arrows and grabbed them, then I put some knives in my boots and knife holders.

I set the station to moving targets. I started to shoot them. Then I rolled and threw a knife at one hitting the chest of one. I spun around on my knee and threw another one, while a second later shot an arrow through the last last target and it was over. I heard clapping coming from the seats where they were sitting. I put the stash of arrows up and the bow back down.

"Well done, you may leave." I nod and walked out heading back to my floor. I sat in the seating area, Nate arrived 15 minutes later and sat at the other end of the couch. "How did it go?" He asks me, "Good. Got every arrow and knife into the dummy's. You?"

"Missed once but other then that it was ok I guess." I nod. We get called to dinner earlier then usual. Mike and Elaine were there. "Where are Chase and Jenna?" Nate asked. "Working on your interview outfits." Elaine said.

"How did they go?" Mike asked. I looked at Nate. "Ok I guess." I responded. Once we were done eating we went in the seating area where Chase and Jenna were. I sat in the couch next to Nate while Chase was son the other side of me.

They are going to reveal our ranks we got. The Carriers l got 11's like usual, the girl from 5 got a 7 and the boy from 7 got a 6. The kids from 6, 7, 8 and 9 all got 7's. The boy from 10 got a 9 whole the girl from that city got an 8. Travis a big man from 11 got an 11 while little Raven got a 10. I was surprised such a little thing could get that high.

Then was me. It said my name and under it was a 12. I gasped. Nate then got an 11. The kids from 13 both got a 10. Chase, Jenna, and Elaine all hugged me then Nate as we celebrated. Mike congratulated us both. Then I quickly hugged Nate. "Good job." "You too." He says I smile and look back at the tv.

We all talked for a little while longer, then I went to bed. Tomorrow I would have half the day with Mike and the other half with Elaine. Elaine will teach me how to wear a dress and how to walk in heels while Mike will help me discuss how I will resemble myself during the interview.

Either strong, passionate, witty smart, sexy, humble, charming, intriguing, mysterious, shy, fearless, easygoing and so on.

The next day I woke up by myself. It was 8 in the morning, so I got out of bed and changed into some clothes and brushed my hair then braided it. I walked out of m room and too the dining room to see Elaine, Mike and Nate. "So Nate asked to be coached alone last night after you went to bed." Mike said, I looked at him, then at Nate with a blank stare.

We agreed to do this alone. I guess all the time we spent together didn't means nothing to him, but it meant something to me. I knew I shouldn't have let my guard down, but I responded with, "I don't csre." Anyways and was glad that I had a control over my emotions.

I grabbed some food and started to eat. "You'll be with Elaine until noon. Then from noon to 4 you will be with me." Mike said I just nod my head and eat my food. After half an hour I barely had time to finish my food before Elaine grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my room.

She made me change into a big floor length poofy dress and some 6 inch heels. First she told me to always smile. "I don't like smiling to people I hate." She rolled her eyes, "This will get you more sponsors. You go with smiling and it makes everything better." She says while smiling but her teeth were clenched.

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