Chapter 8

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Me and Raven stood up and spun around. I gave her my bag, "Climb a tree. Hurry." She looks at me scared. "Go." I say pushing my bag at her. She grabs her own and puts them both on then she literally jumps in a tree and climbs. I set my bow ready then a few minutes later 3 people come out. The boy and girl from 5, then the boy from 9.

The girl had a knife, then the boy from 9 had a spear. And finally the boy from 5 had a backpack on his back like the girl and he was holding 2 knives. "Your outnumbered so surrender now." I knew the camera's were on me, "Make me." Is all I say back. The boy from 5 threw a knife at me and I ducked, tucked and roll while shooting him in the abdomen. I didn't want to kill anyone. "Look, I don't want to kill you guys but I will if I have to." I say.

"Try." The boy from 9 said. He came at me and tried to fight me. Then the girl from 5 came form behind me and tried to stab me. I used my bow to hit the man in the head, I then spun around while grabbing a knife and cut her chest open, she yelled and I spun around and dug the knife into the mans chest where his heart was.

I spun back around and the girl backed away with her hands raised. "I surrender." She said, I stared at her, she looked calm, to calm. I heard a cannon going off, I knew that he was dead. I stared at the girl and she slowly calmed down. I smirk, knowing the camera's were on me. I jumped and grabbed another knife digging it into the boy from 5's neck, then there was a cannon a second later. I heard the girl from 5 scream, I turned around and took out an arrow and shot her in the head.

She fell to the ground and a cannon went off. I was breathing heavily, there was blood on my face and hands. I fell to my knees, then I heard something behind me. I quickly turned around my bow and arrow set. When I saw Raven I threw it to the ground.

She ran towards me. "I killed 3 people." I looked at her as she hugged me tightly. "I didn't want to." I say sobbing. "It's ok Nova. You did it because you had too." "Their making me into a killer." I whispered in her ear. "Their making us all that." She whispered back. "Come on let's get you cleaned up." "Hold on." I said. She looked at me and helped me up.

I went to the girl and got my arrow. I then looked through her bag. She had some food. Another water bottle, some gauge, I grabbed that. Then some pills to help with fatigue. I grabbed that and then left her. I check the boy from 9, he didn't have anything, I grabbed my knife then wen to the boy from 5.

I looked in his bag. He had a pair of the glasses you wear at night so I grabbed that, then there was something in a tin can from sponsors, I looked at that and it was some medicine so I took that. Then there was bandage wraps, some cleaning things for a wound so I grabbed that and then some trail mix. So I grabbed that. Then I got my knife and arrow.

Raven came over and stuffed some of the things in her bag. Then she helped me up. I put my bag on my back next to my arrows. "Let's leave so they can clear out the bodies. There is a river a few miles away." I nod. She puts he runs around my waist and we leave.

"Ya know there are Mocking Jays all over the place. Listen they give like a warning sign before the jets appear." We stop walking and I hear them all stop then one peaks up and sings a simple 5 notes and then we see 3 jets appear. "Oh my god! That's so cool." Raven nods and we start walking again.

"My father sometimes would sing in the house and when the windows are open, since we live on the outskirts of the small town, they could hear his voice. And all of them would stop singing and listen. Then they'd pick up on the sing and sing it back at him. It was lovely, beautiful. I haven't heard him sing since the mine explosion." I say frowning again.

Raven looks at me. "What happened to him?" "Well a couple years ago, I was around 7 and my older brother was maybe 10. My sister was still little, him and only 3 others out of 50 or so people survived. It was a very sad time. School got canceled for about a week. Now my dad only has one leg and severe burns across his legs, some on his chest and a few on his arms."

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