Chapter 10

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When I woke up it was to a canon going off. It was barely morning, it was still dark. I couldn't help myself thinking about Nate. It's been a week since I saw him last when he saved me. I sat there in the tree for hours just thinking. I didn't even eat because I didn't feel like it. I just wanted to die. When it was early evening I got down and started to walk towards the river me and Raven first met at.

When I got there I finally started to eat. Then I drank some water and refilled it. Then I climbed in a tree. The anthem played not long after and I saw Bella, from City 9. Once it got done playing I heard a voice booming throughout the forest.

Hello to the remaining 6 contestants. There has been a change in the Game. If your other tribute that is from the same City then this is for you. It is declared that if you are from the same city then the 2 of you will be declared winners. I look at the sky as it sinks in. He pauses then says it again.

If you are from the same City, that if you are from the same City you both will be declared as the Winners of the 74th Annual Games.

I blink, blink again, then blink. My eyes widen and before I can register what happened I shouted out Nate's name. "Nate!!!" I screamed. I gasp and then cover my hands. I look around and after a long while, when I hear no movement I relax a bit. This is good. Raven said that he headed up stream the day he saved me.

Tomorrow I will find him. "I'm coming tomorrow Nate." I whisper and just those words ease me back to sleep. When I wake up it was still early. I ate the rest of the chicken, drank most of my water and then I climbed down. I refilled my water, and I checked my snares from a while ago. I caught 3 rabbits. I cooked them not caring about the smoke.

I put them in my plastic, then I got everything together and started up stream. On my way I killed 3 chicken. I cooked them as I started to rinse myself off again. Once that was done I munched on a leg. I was still hungry. I didn't want to eat all my food because now I have to hunt for both me and Nate now since he is supposedly injured pretty badly.

I instead I used on of the pills that calms your stomach. After a while it worked, I was now in the river, it was shallow, only went to my ankles. The stream wasn't going to fast either. I walk looking around to see if I can spot anything that said an injured person walked here.

That's when I found some blood on a rock just out of the river. I got out and put on my boots again. I was debating weather or not to call out his name. There were 4 other people not including me or Nate so I decided why not. "Nate!" I whispered out, "Nate!?" I kept walking close to the stream. "Nathaniel Black!" I said a little louder.

"Well don't step on me hun." I jumped back and fell on my ass, I looked around, "Nate?" "Down here love." I looked and saw his piercing blue eyes. I gasped and crawled over. "Wait, close your eyes." He listened and did so while also closing his mouth, I gasped as he went invisible. "I guess frosting all those cakes saved your ass."

He chuckled. "How long have I been here?" He asked. "About a week and a half. How are you not dead?" "I have no idea." I nod, "Well can you stand? Walk or move?" "I don't think so. I'm on my stomach right now." "Ok well I'm going to try and get you closer to the stream." "Go ahead." "Where's your hands?" I ask. I see him move them up then down.

I followed the movement as it disappeared when he sat them down. I took off my bag, arrows, and bow. I then kneeled down and put my hands on his. I trailed them up to his shoulders. I moved closer now so his face was an inch from my stomach. I moved my elbows so they are under his shoulders. "Try and be quiet." He nods. I slowly stand up with a grunt as he inhales. I take 3 small steps until I let him go.

He was now on his back. I was hovering over him. "Your heavy." He laughed. We were now a foot from the stream. "Ready?" I ask, he nods. I decided to lean him on some rocks so I moved him up and once his back was against the rocks I lost my balance and ended up straddling him. "Ya know I like this position.

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