Chapter 12

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It felt like forever until the sun was setting. I saw the ground move then on a table were 6 bags.

The biggest ones were for Clide and Clover, then the next biggest was Cameron's the boy that came with Raven. Then it was Ana's the girl from 10 and finally the smallest was mine, it had Nate's medicine in it. Then I saw Ana run out and grab her bag.

I knew that if Clide or Clover come out next my bag would be gone. I ran as fast as I could out of the forest and towards the bags. I heard a whistling sound I ducked and the knife wedged into the podiums that held the bags. I spun around and shot an arrow at her. She turned but not quick enough, I saw it cut a deep scratch into her right arm. That was her throwing arm. I spin back around and grabbed my bag.

I then ran back towards the forest. Then I felt someone knock me over. I fell and spun on my back while I grabbed a knife. I then wedged it into someone. I saw that it was Clover, and the knife was in her side. I smirk at her, but that soon disappears when I couldn't move.

She was holding me down. She was on my waist with her feet pressing painfully down on my thighs. My hands were by my side getting held down by her knees that should have been on the ground. "Back for more?" She said smirking, I growl at her. She smiles at me. "So is that bag for pretty boy? Bet Clide got him good huh?"

"No, actually it's for me. But we can discuss why later." Clover glares at me and picks out a knife from her pocket. "Tell me." She said in a low voice almost inhumanly. "I have this thing called asthma, you heard of it?" Clover looks at me and nods slowly. "Well in here is something I need that will help me breath." "Well soon you wouldn't be breathing anyways."

My hart rate picked up, and fear ran through my veins as she picked a different knife. The one she chose was curved, sharp sleek edge, and looked very deadly. "So what do I want to start with? Your pretty mouth, your eye brows, hmmm, decisions decisions." Her knife ran along my cheek bone, blood pooled out of it. She laughs at the sight of it. Then she puts her left pointer finger in the blood and licks it.

I gag, "Your a crazy psycho bitch."

She growls and hit me with the butt of her knife. She then pick the knife up and trails it above my left eye brow, making it draw blood immediately. "So, how is that girl you liked, Raven? Her death must have been fun to watch." I growled and tried to break free. Then she was pushed off me. I looked and saw Cameron with a huge rock.

"Did you kill her!? The girl! I heard you speak her name!" He yelled at Clover. "No! No I didn't!" She said, "Clide!!" She yelled again. "Clover!" I heard off into the distance. He was to late. "Where is she!?" He yelled at me. "Uh, s-she died th-the boy from, um, I-I don't know killed her. But I killed them for killing her. We were allies. Sh-she was like my l-little sister back home. Please, Cameron I need to save Nate he's going die. Please." I couldn't stop the tears.

"You were friends?" "Yeah I viewed her as a sister." "Then go, it's my thanks to you for her." I nod as he helped me up, I totally forget Clover was there. I grabbed m things and ran away. I glanced back and saw Cameron hit Clover in the head with a rock.

I wiped away the blood from my eye so I could see and I ran for the cave. It felt like forever until I got there. Once I did I fell to the ground and got out a syringe in it. I grabbed Nate's right arm, wipes my blood off so I could see and stabbed him in the arm with it.

I then looked in the bag again and saw a tin. I opened it and saw ointment. I put it on his leg sloppy, before I could close it I saw darkness. When I woke up again there was thrumming. It was heavy and fast, almost like rain. I groaned as I felt the worst headache I've ever had.

"Nova? Nova?" I heard a man say I opened my eyes and looked around, I was in the cave. "Nate?" I asked I heard movement and saw Nate in front of me. "Hey it's alright. I woke up yesterday feeling way better then I had, then I saw you in a very big and scary pool of blood." I chuckled and groaned.

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