As we settled inside, I saw some of his colleagues seated in another table and I waved at them. I saw Charlotte with the group so I guess their team is here too. His mother asked who they were and I told her that they’re Sean’s colleagues in the factory and pointed at where his project team is.

The presenters started with their talk but Sean’s presenting last so he won’t be out till later. They will have a panel interview after to answer a few questions from the audience.

Not long after, his name was called for his turn. Looking a bit nervous but I know he’s going to be just fine, he said his formalities then started. He may stress out while preparing his deck to make it simple because he wants people to easily understand it but whenever he begins sharing, he turns 180 and gets so confident. I cannot help but just be so proud of him. I saw his parents proud expressions too when they heard him talk.

 I saw his parents proud expressions too when they heard him talk

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When he finished, he turned to us and smiled proudly. I can hear his parents sharing their thoughts to each other.

“Our son did so well.” His mother told his father.

“He did. Spoke so confidently too.” his father said, sounding as proud.

He found me again looking at him and he smiled. I had to smile back because he’s just too adorable.

There was a few minutes of quick set up after the last presenter finished

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There was a few minutes of quick set up after the last presenter finished. The panel discussion will be the final portion of the event then an early dinner for those who were invited will be served so I’m sure we will be staying here for a while to support Sean.

He answered all the questions directed at him so well like everything rolls off his tongue

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He answered all the questions directed at him so well like everything rolls off his tongue. Whenever he talks about his project, you’d hear that passion in what he does. I can sense that a lot of people in the audience are getting impressed with him and that makes me even prouder.

After the panel, while waiting for Sean to come sit on our table, I decided to freshen up. I got in the restroom and overheard some girls talking about him, they’re in the cubicles.

“Sean’s really so smart, he made that project sound so simple when we all know that it isn’t.”

“Yeah, he is. The fact that he’s handsome too makes him look more attractive.”

“There you go again. You do know that he has a girlfriend right?”

“Of course, can’t I not appreciate how good looking he is?”

“Well, she’s here with his parents. That’s as serious as it can get. And she looks gorgeous too. They look good together.”

“I’ve met her before, at Thomas’ party months ago. She’s so-so. I don’t know what she has that made Sean fall in love with her.”

I think I know who that is. I heard the flush one after the other and the other person opened the cubicle first. Shocked evident when it registered to her who I am.

“You know….” Charlotte stopped mid sentence when she saw my reflection in the mirror. I was applying my lipstick.

They can’t really leave right away because they need to wash their hands, both literally and figuratively. Well, Charlotte can wash her mouth with soap too. It’s needed. Her friend didn’t know what to do so she was kinda hesitant to go to the sink and was smiling awkwardly.

Charlotte on the other hand took a deep breath and went to the sink to start the water running, got hand soap and began washing her hand. Her friend followed but still awkward. I’m looking at their reflections now in the mirror. They are avoiding my gaze.

After I finished applying my lipstick. I turned to Charlotte and looked at her with a smile on my face.

“Hi Charlotte, nice to see you again.”

She smiled awkwardly.

“Hi, I’m Jamie. I believe we have not met.” I turned to her friend, I think Sean’s new colleague.

Both are keeping silent. I’m sure by now they know I heard what they said about me. Well, what Charlotte said about me to be specific. It’s not really bad, come to think of it, it was just a question she had. I decided to play nice and give her the answer she needs.

“Uhm, to answer your question, Charlotte. I have everything that you don’t have… and even more. It’s neither mine nor Sean’s responsibility to give you an explanation. Hope that helps. Have a great night girls. Bye.”

Let’s see if you still try to hit on my boyfriend. I didn’t let her respond to what I said and left them there with pure satisfaction on my face while they were still in shock.
I went back and saw Sean already sitting there and talking animatedly with his parents  with some other guests on the table.

“There you are. Mom said you went to freshen up. Took you long enough, is everything okay?”

I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Oh of course. Nothing major, I already took care of it.”

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