16. confessions & lies

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FOR WHAT MUST'VE BEEN the millionth time that night, Claudia twisted and turned, wide awake and unaware of how much she was bothering Regulus, who was trying to sleep right there next to her.

"Can you please stop moving around?" Regulus groaned, tossing a pillow her way. "Or go sleep somewhere else, I don't care."

"How nice of you," Claudia said, sitting up and looking down at the boy who kept his eyes shut. "Reg...?"


"I think I need to tell you something," she said cautiously, causing him to open one eye and look curiously at her.

"Can't you tell me in the morning?"

"No," she said with a shake of her head. "By then I'll probably have changed my mind on wether I should tell you or not."

At that Regulus' ears perked up for sure, and he sat up with wide eyes as he watched her, "Is something wrong? Did something happe-"

"I saw them," she blurted.


"Remus...and the others," she said.

"Yeah, I know you did. I was there-"

"Not the other day," Claudia interrupted. "Today. I saw them today."

"You did? But I thought you went to see Pandora?"

She shook her head, "I lied. And I'm sorry. But I'm telling the truth right now because lying has only gotten me into horrible situations before and I don't want to lose your trust."

He nodded, "Go on."

"When James spoke to me the other day he did ask me if I wanted to grab some coffee with him. I know that I said that I rejected him, but I said yes."


"And then Lily was there too, and they asked me if I wanted to come with them and have dinner just the three of us, and I said yes because I was stupid, and then it seemed that everyone else were there too and Remus asked me if I wanted to stay and I said yes because I was stupid and then..."


"It was so weird, Reg," she sighed. "It was like I had never left."

"What do you mean?"

She buried her face in her hands, "Remus. It was like I had never left. I mean...I don't know, but I felt like I used to when I was around him. And I'm pretty sure we nearly kissed."

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