14. on a wednesday in a cafe

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CLAUDIA WAS FIVE MINUTES LATE, which had James in a place of regret over his actions.

"I told her it was just me," he said concernedly, speaking to Lily who was sitting next to him with a rather guilty look on her face. "What if she saw that you were here and then left?"

Lily shook her head, "Don't worry, she wouldn't do that."

He nodded, "I know she wouldn't. I'm just scared she has changed just like Inez and Sirius implied."

"They wouldn't know," Lily said assuringly. "It's been a year, sure, but I don't think someone can change that much in just that time. And if she had changed she wouldn't have said yes to come here in the first place, so don't worry. It's my fault if she leaves, not yours."

James nodded, agreeing silently as they continued to wait.

And, five minutes later, Claudia appeared.

She looked a bit stressed, as if she had barely managed to get past an obstacle that had caused her tardiness. Which technically was true, since she had to cook up a lie to Regulus that she went to see Pandora and Xenophilius, considering that he seemed fine with that.

She still didn't understand why she lied to him about James in the first place, but then he had seemed so proud and relieved that she didn't do anything stupid, which had caused her to get a lump in her throat every time she tired to tell him the truth.

So, she lied. Even though she hated it.

"Claudia," James said with a small smile of relief as she approached the two, noticing how she immediately took notice of Lily who was right there next to him. "I'm sorry, I know I said that it would just be you and I, but-"

"I pressured him into confessing after I had assumed that he had gone after you the other day," Lily interrupted him. "And then I wanted to come with him even though he said no. It's my fault, Claudia, and if you want to leave we both completely understand that."

Claudia frowned, and then, with a small smile, she shook her head.

"I figured you'd find out anyway," she said, pulling out the chair in front of them and sitting down. "It was only a matter of time. Happy to know it didn't take long, since I know how frustrated you would be if it had."

Lily smiled, grateful to find Claudia just like she used to be, "Good."

"So you're not mad?" James asked.

"No, I'm not mad. Not at any of you. I'm sorry for being late, by the way. I got held up."

The boy took a breath of relief, smiling warmly at her as he said, "We ordered you some coffee and this pastry Remus...is obsessed with. Hope that's alright."

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