Chapter 57 - That Frog in The Well

Start from the beginning

“Uhh…” Of course Wu Xingzi had planned on returning home. However, with Han Xiao’s abrupt question, he now hesitated. Although he did not believe that Guan Shanjin would go all the way there searching for him, just in case… Wu Xingzi suddenly registered the quiet anticipation within his heart, and his face paled involuntarily.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to serve the general for many years, so I would daringly like to give Mr. Wu some suggestions.” Han Xiao drew even closer. Afraid that their master would be bullied, Mint and Osmanthus too came closer. Wu Xingzi could only take half a step back to avoid any gossip. Han Xiao shot a look at the two young girls, her gaze amused. Next, she continued respectfully, “The general does not like things to not go his way. For Mr. Wu to leave like this, I’m afraid that this will deeply anger the general.”

“Uhh…” Wu Xingzi paused. “How about I inform him? He should be able to understand.”

For some reason, Wu Xingzi recalled the previous incident when he wanted to go home for the New Year. At that time, when he said that he wanted to leave, Guan Shanjin had even been angered to the point of vomiting blood. However, now that he had Mr. Lu, things should have changed.

The only thing was that Guan Shanjin had no longer sought him out since half a month ago. This “informing” seemed like it would be rather difficult.

Han Xiao observed Wu Xingzi for a moment, then nodded, her slight smile rather ambiguous. “This is a good idea. Why don’t I help you invite the general over?”

“Could you? I’ll be very grateful to you.” Wu Xingzi’s eyes brightened as he smiled happily. “Miss Han Xiao, it’s so fortunate that you’re here.”

“No, no. This is part of my duties.” Having done what she was supposed to do, Han Xiao too felt relieved. She gave Wu Xingzi an ambiguous yet sympathetic look, then bowed and withdrew.

As Guan Shanjin’s trusted maidservant, she naturally was not someone Mr. Lu could order about, and did not truly take Mr. Lu as her master. However, Man Yue was different. In the general’s estate, or rather, the entire Bastion City, right below the general was Vice General Man. This seemingly plump and honest-looking Man Yue, if he were to declare being the second best at being a mastermind, no one would dare call themselves the best. Whether it was Han Xiao or Hei’er, these close subordinates would always listen to Man Yue.

Despite not understanding what Man Yue was planning, Han Xiao dared not treat his instructions lightly.

After sending Han Xiao off, Mint and Osmanthus came back with pouts, asking what were Wu Xingzi’s intentions. Upon confirming that he really wanted to leave, the shoulders of the two young girls fell. They were almost about to cry, but managed to hold their tears back.

Wu Xingzi’s heart ached greatly! He had doted on these two girls as though they were his nieces. Suddenly saying that he was going to leave, he too was very upset. However, Bastion City was not the place where he could stay forever, as one always had to return home.

That day, all three of them looked very gloomy. Wu Xingzi even had two less bowls of rice during lunch, while he did finish all the dishes. Lazily, he leant in the chair next to the cucumber rack, dozing on and off, taking the opportunity to decipher his own feelings.

Mint and Osmanthus too dragged a stool each and sat down not too far from Wu Xingzi, sewing away as they accompanied him.

The spring sun was warm and not too scorching. The wind brought along with it the scent of nature, carrying a breeze that made one feel very comfortable. Somehow or another, Wu Xingzi fell asleep.

Noticing that he was sleeping, Mint deftly covered him up with a cloak. However, in the next moment, it was taken away by a large and elegantly pretty hand. Nearly screaming out in shock, Mint quickly covered her mouth. Widened eyes trailed up that hand, and she looked up to see Guan Shanjin’s flawless face.

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