Yoongi is taking an unusual amount of time to eat; it's like he's savoring every bite, but I indulge him and just enjoy the moment before it passes us by.

I'm people watching when I notice Jimin come through the front doors; he immediately glances our way. It is uncanny that he can spot us in a busy room so quickly. He nods in our direction and then orders a drink at the counter.

Wearing a pair of black fitted jeans and a black peacoat, he saunters up to the table and pauses with a knowing smile. My body begins quivering nervously because it's the first day I've seen him since our encounter in my studio.

 My body begins quivering nervously because it's the first day I've seen him since our encounter in my studio

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"Lily," he nods, flashing a sexy smile.

"Jimin," I nod back, trying desperately to keep my face neutral.

"Will you be in your studio later?" He raises his eyebrows, and I feel my face flush.

"Uh...." I try to choke out a reply, but Yoongi cuts me off before I can get any words out.

"No, she will be with me all day today, and we plan on working late," Yoongi says as he pauses the music streaming from his phone.

Jimin's facial expression transforms as he shifts his attention to Yoongi, and I realize they are having a conversation with their eyes that I'm not privy to.

"Perhaps, another time? Maybe tomorrow?" Jimin replies, his words almost sounding challenging.

"Hmm, I don't think that will work out either; she will be with me for the remainder of her contract."

The corner of Jimin's mouth turns up slightly, and he nods at us both. "Another time then. See you later, Beautiful!" I watch in confusion as he walks away.

Yoongi almost sounds possessive, but I know it is because he wants to accomplish as much work as we possibly can within the confines of my contract. Somehow though, my heart wants it to mean more.

"Jiminie, wait!" I call out.

He stops to look back at me. I jog over and throw my arms around him, not caring who sees. "Thank you so much for helping me get to Hobi so quickly on Sunday," I say, giving him an appreciative hug.

All his bravado melts away and is replaced with shyness as he looks away with a smile. He hugs me back, "Awe, Lily. It was nothing." Jimin can be forward and flirty, but when it comes to things that matter, he is a huge softy.

"No, it was everything," I reply, squeezing him tighter before I release my hold on him.

He leans in my ear and quietly whispers, "Yoongi's getting jealous. Why don't you hurry back now." I scrunch my face up, looking at Jimin in disbelief.

"Lily, you and I are like two bolts of energy that combined would create a flash the world has never seen, but like lightning, we would fade immediately. You love him," he says, nodding in Yoongi's direction. "I can sense it; maybe it's time to tell him how you feel."  Jimin winks before proceeding on his way to his destination as if he didn't just leave me standing in shock, his words burrowing into my brain.

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