Chapter 24: Detective Work

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"Stop looking at me like you want me because we both know you don't."

~Max's POV~
The door slams suddenly and I jump, remembering that I probably shouldn't have been eavesdropping.  Or trying to eavesdrop. 
I couldn't really understand much but it was enough to know that something is going on between Lily and Liam.  It was kind of obvious at first with his cold attitude towards me, and though Lily brushed it off, I'm not stupid.  Now the raised voices coming from her room are only confirming what I've suspected.  I've done it again, Watson. 
Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm weird. 
I casually step away from the wall I've been straining to listen against and decide to just go and investigate.  When I was little I dreamed of being a detective, always snooping around and trying to solve mysteries.  I'm pretty sure I was Sherlock Holmes for Halloween at least three years in a row. 
Nowadays, I still dream of becoming a private investigator or working for the FBI or something but life smacked me in the face and now I work mostly as a financial advisor. 

Long story.
I exit my room and just as I turn the corner, an angry Liam brushes past me, a little rougher than would normally be considered polite.  I'm not offended or anything, they clearly have a lot of history and are probably having a fight or something.  I'm not selfish enough to think it's about me. 
When Lily invited me last minute I was so relieved, even if it did mean she kind of lied when she said she was going to stay with her mom.  But her friend (Ella?) is right, family can be all sorts of different things.  I should know.  And it's nice to think that just maybe she sort of considers me family, or at least thinks I'm worthy of meeting hers. 
So I came and I'm glad I did.  I was scared of imposing somewhere I'm not welcome at first, but Lily makes me feel welcome anywhere I go, regardless of whatever weird situation that Liam dude's got going on.  Plus, the mystery that is Lily keeps pulling me in. 
As for the others, they seem cool enough.  I was worried about meeting her brother, I won't lie, but I have a feeling that my stellar baking skills will come in handy when it comes to him (I figured as a kid that a good detective needed to have amazing culinary skills too, for some reason.  It was an important part of training).  Her best friend (Ellie?) seems to be about, very blunt, but in a good way.  I'm not too sure who the other blonde is, but I'm assuming she's Liam's girlfriend or something.  The others don't seem to know her and I'm kind of confused as to where she fits in with all of this. 
It doesn't matter, though, I'm just happy to be included.  By now, I've made it to the end of the hallway and I decide to go downstairs and just see how Lily's doing.
I walk down and knock calmly. 
"Go away, Liam, I'm busy."  Lily's voice is like a knife, slashing straight through the wood and freezing the air around her.  It's kind of scary, because I always thought of her as soft and light.  I decide not to let it faze me, though, and I respond cheerfully.
"It's Max, actually."  There's silence and then the door clicks open and Lily's apologetic face fills the frame.
"I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else."  She bites her lip and I can't help but smile.  Despite her icy tone earlier, it's clear this girl wouldn't have the heart to hurt a fly.
"It's alright, I was just coming to check on you, actually.  I heard raised voices and just wanted to make sure everything's alright."  She swallows hard and looks towards her laptop.
"Everything's fine, don't worry about it, Liam's just mad about something, it's not important."  She doesn't meet my eyes.  As a trained detective, I'm forced to be suspicious, but I don't push it.
"Seems like it's kinda important."  She pulls on a smile that doesn't quite reach her red eyes.
"It's okay, I'm just working."  I frown slightly but decide to stay cheerful. 
"What are you working on?"  Her expression is guarded and unreadable, even for an expert such as myself.
"My next manager is all over me to finish it before the end of January."  I vaguely knew she was a writer of some sort, but it's even cooler to hear her talk about writing a book like she's just casually doing the dishes. 
"Next book?"  She bites her lip again and smiles a little (I'll take the small victory).
"Um, yeah, I published a book about a year and a half ago."  I think I like her so much because she's what I love so much about investigating: she's the perfect mystery for me to unravel.  Ever since I met her, I feel like she handed me the end of the yarn ball and I've just continued to unravel, layer by layer.
"That's so awesome!  I had no idea.  You'll have to let me read it for sure."  Her eyes dart over to her open laptop again and she changes the subject.
"Yeah."  She clears her throat and adjusts herself, throwing away her morose attitude with a deep breath and plastering on a big smile and her usual enthusiasm. 
"So, the plan is to go sledding in a little bit and then we usually come inside and bake cookies.  Well, try to bake cookies.  Archer eats way faster than we can bake."  She laughs and I take a little comfort knowing it sounds more genuine than earlier. 
"I think your brother and I will get along swimmingly."  I laugh and she smiles at the ground.  "Well, I'll let you get back to it, then.  I think I'll go and explore a little.  Maybe go for a walk.  What time do you think we'll go?"
"Probably in an hour or so. We like to have down time to get settled when we get here before we head out.  Hopefully it hasn't been too boring for you."  I cock my head. 
There's something off about her today, but I haven't unraveled far enough to be able to put a finger on it.  It's almost like there's no meaning behind her words. 
I say goodbye and leave her to her laptop, deep in thought.  I definitely don't want to snoop or pry but it seems like there's a lot of history here that it seems like I should know about.  I definitely won't get anywhere with Liam, and Lily's lips are sealed. 
No better time to meet the brother, I'd say.
I wander around the long hallways of the house before I hear a male voice singing loudly from behind one of the doors.  Loud rap is blasting behind the voice and I take a moment to appreciate the dedication of the singer.  He's falling behind on the rhythm a little, but he sounds so serious and tough in a comical way. 
I knock loudly and I hear the music pause and footsteps fall over to the door, which swings open.  It's clearly Lily's brother, if the matching hair and eyes are any indication. 
All I saw of him earlier was a blur screaming about defeating something but the resemblance is much clearer now.  His thick eyebrows furrow.
"Who are you?"  He isn't rude in the way Liam sort of was, he just sounds genuinely bewildered to see a stranger in his cabin.  I stick my hand out.
"I'm Lily's, uh, well I guess you could say boyfriend!"  I chuckle nervously, hoping Lily isn't mad.  Technically we haven't defined anything, but it's only a matter of time.  I hope. 
Archer's face melts into many faces, starting with confused and ending somewhere between respect and "huh.".  He shakes my hand slowly.
"Where did you come from, man?"  I laugh. 
"You ran past me, outside.  I think you mentioned something about making it to victory or something."  He pouts at that.
"Stupid girls, stealing our room.  Well, it's nice to meet you, dude.  You staying the whole time or...?"
"Just for the night."  I interject.  He's nodding slowly.
"Alright, cool, good to have you.  And hey, hurt my sister and I'll rip your balls off."  He grins manically, holding up his fist for emphasis.  I raise my hands in defense.
"Wouldn't hurt a fly."  We laugh and he lowers his knuckles to fist-bump me.  He starts to close the door but I push it back lightly.
"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know anything about Liam and-"
"What about me?"  A dark voice growls from behind Archer and I gulp.  I did not account for him being here.  I'm such an idiot.  Every detective knows that if you're going to talk to someone about someone else, you should always make sure the person you're going to talk about isn't there.  Lucky for me, I'm trained well for these situations.
"About Liam and cookies.  I'm noting down everyone's favorite cookie.  I heard there's going to be a cookie-making session tonight."  I smile, hoping he'll buy it.  He will, I'm an expert. 
By now he's got up off the bed behind Archer and joined him in the doorway.  He's much bigger than me and looks a lot stronger.  Definitely intimidating, but a good detective will never let his fear show through.  He looks me up and down and sneers.
"I heard that you're wrong.  Bye."  He closes the door forcefully and all I see is Archer's confused face before wood vibrates into the doorframe.
Okay, so that was a dead end.
"What do you mean, no cookies?!"  I hear from behind the door, and his voice sounds so desperate that I have to chuckle.  I contemplate staying to listen in, but I don't want to take my chances of Liam catching me. 
I decide I've done enough detective work for the time being.  Lily seems to be okay now and it's becoming clear that nothing I do will get Liam to like me.

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