Chapter 12: Cross the Line

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"No does not mean convince me."

⚠️TW Warning: Harassment⚠️

~One year before, age 21~


I show up to my date with Lewis three weeks later, after much rescheduling and canceling and rescheduling again.  I'm in front of a dimly lit restaurant called Cross the Line, which appears to be some fancy burger place. 

I glance down at my phone again, feeling uncomfortable to be standing here by myself.  Lewis from Tinder has sent me a message informing me he will be here in about five minutes. 

I'm surprisingly calm, considering my social anxiety and despite feeling out of place standing here, I'm not really worried for the date.  I've been talking to him for a while now and even though we've had to cancel and reschedule multiple times, I'm sure everything will go fine.  Anyways, if it doesn't, I know some part of me will be secretly glad that I'll have a direct excuse from the universe to keep thinking about Liam. 

I'm wearing a simple buttercup yellow sundress with a black leather jacket that I borrowed (more like stole) from Archer.  It's a little big on me, but I think it looks kind of nice paired with my black leather flats and matching crossbody purse. 

I go back to swiping through Instagram, purposely avoiding Liam's account.  There's a new DM from Daphne, checking up on me.  I haven't talked to her in a while, since we had dinner last week at Eros's restaurant.  Words cannot even describe the food.  I mean, seriously.  I tried to get Lewis to agree to go there, but he insisted we come to this place instead.  After all, we'll always have the second date to explore exotic Greek food (his words not mine). 

"Lily?"  I look up, my eyes going round as I instantly recognize the voice.  Of all the days for him to show up, why does it have to be today?  Either I have the worst luck or someone up there really doesn't like me.  It makes it even weirder that earlier I had even been praying that he wouldn't randomly show up and lo and behold, he's here.  Why is he here?

"Hey Liam, what are you doing here?"  I'm slightly panicked and definitely freaking out but I manage to plaster on a smile and not throw up. 

"We were just walking over to the pizza place a few blocks away, what about you?"  My mind barely registers the word 'we' as I reply.

"Oh, um, I'm on uh, a date, I guess."  Liam's smile immediately slips and his eyes dim.  He quickly is able to push past his surprise and emotions and regain his composure, a trait we have in common. 

"Well it looks like it's going well!"  I force out a laugh.

"He's, um, not here yet."  I glance at my phone. 

"Well, I'm sure he'll show up.  Who wouldn't?"  He smiles, but I can read the sadness in his expression like my favorite book.  My stomach gives an electrifying jolt at his words and I take a deep breath to try and calm myself down subtly.  I'm about to answer when two more guys duck out of a cab on the street and wave at Liam. 


No no no. 

This cannot possibly get any worse. 

Except it just did. 

Because waving triumphantly at Liam from the opposite sidewalk is Weston...and Greyson. 


I mean, sure, it's been a couple years since the breakup.  But Greyson knows why we broke up, and me being here right now is not going to go over well.  Liam looks at me sheepishly and I swallow hard.  Greyson squints and meets my eyes directly.  He waves slowly, a little hurt and a little confused.  I gulp. 

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